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面包只是食具。Bread is a utensil.

玉璋是古蜀重要的祭祀礼器。Jade Zhang was typical ritual utensil in Shu culture.

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原来每个胶的器皿,在底部都有一个数字。In fact every plastic utensil bears a humber on its bottom.

我把它当做宝贝,适宜于做君子的器皿。I regard it as a treasure suitable for a gentleman's utensil.

以及用于操作食品的器具,所述器具与盖的把手可移除地接合。The utensil is removably engageable with the handle of the lid.

用塑料或木制器具弄开任何烘烤食材。Use a plastic or wooden utensil to loosen any baked-on ingredients.

麻丝墩是旧时绩麻所用的一种器具。Masidun is a utensil used when twisting hempen threads in old times.

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大鼓是基诺族神圣的祭器和乐器。Big drum is a kind of Jino sacred sacrificial utensil and musical instrument.

他把一个可以做刀、勺子还有叉子的野营工具带到学校去了。Taking a camping utensil that can serve as a knife, fork and spoon to school.

唐代茶、酒器具的大量出现,便是时代的产物。The great emergence of utensil for tea and wine is the offspring of the times.

在第6天见细胞从胎兔神经组织块周围爬出。On the 6th day Cells were seen around the fetus rabbit sciatic piece in the utensil.

汉代器物赋是汉赋长河中的一个支流,但是由于种种原因而大量散佚。Utensil Fu is a part of Fu of the Han Dynasty, but missed a lot for various reasons.

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目的探讨超声在宫内节育器观察上的局限性。Objective To discuss the limitation of ultrasonic detection on prevenception utensil.

立式金属罐是大宗液体石油产品的主要计量器具。Vertical metal tank is one of the main measurement utensil of liquid petroleum products.

唯一不平常的就餐器具是一把剪刀,用来剪开包裹。The only unusual eating utensil is a pair of scissors used for cutting open the packages.

锅是蒸鱼的最好器具,因为它很宽,可以轻松放下一整条鱼。The best utensil for steaming is a wok because its width easily accommodates a whole fish.

研究了一种厨具用不锈钢的表面化学著色工艺。A technology of surface chemical coloring of stainless steel for cooking utensil is studied.

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独特的器皿营造独特的饮食天地,展示丰富多彩的生活品味。A unique eating utensil creates a unique world, which displays a rich and colorful of the lifestyle.

由连在柄上的小而浅的碗状物组成的器具,用于准备、烹制或吃食物时使用。A utensil consisting of a small, shallow bowl on a handle, used in preparing, serving, or eating food.

一种脱卸式的锅提手,属于炊事用具技术领域。The invention provides a dismountable pan handle, belonging to the technical field of cooking utensil.