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我住在上海街。I live at 56 Wuhan Road.

我接下来会在武汉出差。I next business trip in Wuhan.

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这是您第一来武汉吗?Is it your first time in Wuhan?

武汉满江红学校还蛮好的。Wuhan Azolla school quite good.

摄于武汉解放公园。Taken in Liberation Park, Wuhan.

武汉最好的附睾炎医院?Wuhan best epididymitis hospital?

汉水穿过武汉奔流。The River Han flows through Wuhan.

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这本电影是我去年在武汉时看的。I saw this film in Wuhan last year.

今天,是武汉旅游的第2天。Today, Wuhan tour the first 2 days.

这是你第一次到武汉吗?。Is it your first time here in Wuhan?

武汉有着3,500年的历史。Wuhan has a history of 3, 500 years.

宝贝,一生有你,我死而无憾。Baby, you have life, I am dead Wuhan.

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武汉站在武汉市青山区。Wuhan station in Wuhan green hill area.

我买了两张去武汉的软席票。I bought two soft-seat tickets for Wuhan.

武汉的风景点很多。There are a lot of scenic spots in Wuhan.

武汉男性生殖整形医院?Wuhan male reproductive plastic hospital?

质量是神龙东信的生命。Quality is life to Wuhan Dongxin com. Ltd.

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武汉警察破获赌博大案。Wuhan police uncover major gambling cases.

武汉是著名的黄鹤楼。Wuhan is famous for the Yellow Crane Tower.

您去广州的路要经过武汉。Your route to Guangzhou lies through Wuhan.