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要敢于异想天开。We should dare to whimsical.

当然,并非所有的故事都是如此的异想天开。Not all stories are so whimsical.

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我想让她的房间看起来强大的且异想天开的。I wanted it to feel punchy and whimsical.

这不过是一个希罕古怪的儿童故事。It's only a whimsical story for children.

不要去写那些赶不上潮流的古怪文章。No writing whimsical stuff that's off-topic.

这款发型适合异想天开的温柔的人群。This bob is best for that whimsical and soft look.

有时候,我的目标千奇百怪。Sometimes my goal has been whimsical in the extreme.

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小品曲,一种轻快、幽默或古怪的短曲,多数为钢琴曲。A short light or whimsical piece, usually written for piano.

我们很高兴向大家介绍古灵精怪的魔力小布。We are happy to introduce the whimsical "Mod Molly" Neo Blythe!

我们需要借鉴马格利特大胆、异想天开的创造性思维。We need to learn from Magritte bold, whimsical creative thinking.

他回忆克朗肖经常谈起的那个波斯地毯的寓言。He recollected Cronshaw's whimsical metaphor of the Persian carpet.

所以贺卡大多做得比较搞怪,让父亲打开时开怀一笑。Most greeting cards are whimsical so fathers laugh when they open them.

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墨西哥湾的尤卡坦半岛,一群迁移的火烈鸟采取了古里古怪的形状。A shifting flock of flamingos assumes a whimsical shape in the Gulf of Mexico.

正在她胡思乱想的时候,她听见树叶中又出现了一种奇怪的声音。In the midst of these whimsical fancies she heard a new strange sound among the leaves.

这间商店被艺术品,古董和古老服装的古怪混杂充斥着。The shop is filled with a whimsical farrago of artwork, antiques, and vintage clothing.

我把它称为一个异想天开想法,因为我不可能得到经济回报。I call it a whimsical idea because I’d never have been able to enjoy the financial return.

索特萨斯不仅由于他设计中的顽皮机智也由于他装饰上的异想天开而出名。Mr. Sottsass was known for his playfulness and wit as well as his whimsical ornamentation.

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慢跑、编织东西、随意写写画画都能放松思维并进入异想天开之中。Jogging, knitting or just doodling can relax the mind and set it off down a whimsical path.

现在Fryar欢迎各地的参观者前来他的花园,并对植物雕塑这一主题开展着全国性的演讲活动。Today Fryar welcomes visitors to his whimsical garden, and he now lectures nationwide on topiary.

因具新字词代表性而入选,此类新字往往异想天开而巧妙,源于新科技。Selected as representative of new words, often whimsical and clever, emerging from new technology.