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请问我的是宫外孕嘛?Is excuse me mine ectopic pregnancy?

硬膜外异位脑膜瘤是一种罕见的肿瘤。Extradural ectopic meningioma is a rare tumor.

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附件触痛肿块提示异位妊娠。A tender adnexal mass suggests ectopic pregnancy.

方法回顾总结7例异位睾丸患者临床资料。Methods 7 cases of ectopic testes were reviewed and studied.

“宫外孕是无效的怀孕,”她说。"Ectopic pregnancies are not viable pregnancies, " she says.

异位妊娠是发生在子宫外的一种妊娠。An ectopic pregnancy is any pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus.

第四,大量吸烟、喝酒也会增加宫外孕几率。Fourth, a lot of smoke, drink will increase ectopic pregnancy chance.

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强烈的疼痛可能是早期流产或宫外孕的征兆。Intense pain could be a sign of early miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

这是一个重大的原因不孕,异位妊娠和流产。This is a major cause of infertility, ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.

异位性胸腺瘤是罕见的肿瘤,特别是源自于肋膜腔。Ectopic thymoma is rare, especially when it arises in the pleural cavity.

目的探讨输尿管异位开口的诊断和治疗。Objective To discuss diagnosis and treatment of ectopic ureteral orifice.

结果检出18例异位妊娠,漏诊1例宫内合并宫外妊娠。Results We found out 18 cases of ectopic pregnancy, and missed only 1 case.

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结论对迷路IUD的处理方案是不定型的。Conclusions Up till now, the operation pattern for ectopic IUD is not definite.

其次,有过腹部外科手术的女性,宫外孕的风险也会增加。Secondly, with women of abdominal surgery, ectopic pregnancy risk will increase.

第三,避孕方法选择不当也会导致宫外孕。Third, contraceptive method can also cause ectopic pregnancy improper selection.

IGF-I促进异位子宫内膜生长,与内异症形成有关。IGF-I can motivate ectopic endometria growth and is concerned with endometriosis.

⑤沃-帕-怀综合征患者合并交接区性期前收缩等异位心律。Wo-Pa-Huai syndrome and ectopic cardiac rhythm of copulatory zone premature beat.

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在人工流产手术后,有8到20倍的可能性会异位妊娠。After an abortion, you are 8 to 20 times more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy.

同时,研究发现PAPC异位注射并不足以诱导一个新的异源的耳基板的形成。However, PAPC alone is not sufficient to induce an ectopic otic placode formation.

目的探讨甲氨蝶呤肌肉注射在异位妊娠保守治疗中的效果。Objective To explore the effect of MTX in intramuscular injection on ectopic pregnancy.