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你这么浪费从加拿大打电话过来做什么?What do you want ringing wastefully from Canada?

而人们越富有,饮食就越浪费。And the richer they are, the more wastefully people eat.

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这有助于它烧伤更有效率和减少浪费。Which helps it burn more efficiently and less wastefully.

比如二专业或者将来的各种班,为了你的家人和你自己的前途,永远别乱花钱。For the future of your family and yourself, don't ever spend your money wastefully.

小Q则是一个飞扬跳脱的青年,爱玩爱闹,花钱大手大脚。Small Q is one flies upwards the bracelet youth, likes enjoying noisily , spends wastefully.

美国人想改变目前的做法,不应该再搞失败的刺激经济借贷计划和乱花钱了。Americans want a change in course from the failed stimulus plans of borrow and wastefully spend.

但是,可能更大的一个问题是在你房间的人取暖在浪费,这是为什么呢?But maybe the bigger problem is that the people in your house use heat wastefully , and why's that?

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你知道平均人们要费多少时间找他们错放的东西?How much time do you think the average person wastefully spends searching for items they’ve misplaced?

整理你的空间——你知道一个人平均每天花费在寻找随手乱丢的东西所花费的时间吗?Organize your space. – How much time do you think the average person wastefully spends searching for items they’ve misplaced?

当我忙着变得完满、忙着去完成自己必须完成的事情的时候,我就没有时间胡思乱想或者毫无必要地讲话了。When I am busy with becoming complete and engaged in what I need to do, I won't have time to think wastefully or speak unnecessarily.

传统的明火经常过于通风效率低下,大部分的热量都散发到周围的水泥砖石建筑之中白白浪费。Traditional open fires are too often inefficient and draughty, wastefully directing most of their heat into the surrounding masonry up the chimney.

但是让我真的警告你,看到那么多纳税人的钞票浪费在一团上升的火焰中真的让人感到受不了,特别是录像如此缓慢地展开。But let me warn you—it's really, really hard watching so much taxpayer cash wastefully go up in flames, especially when the travesty unfolds so slowly.

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奥谢接吉格斯角球,将球正巧传给无人防守的维迪奇,但对方后卫的努力防守,使这记射门高出球门横梁。John O'Shea flicked on Giggs's corner and the ball dropped invitingly to the unmarked Vidic but the defender's effort flew wastefully over the crossbar.