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他下个月将迁至英国工作。He will relocate next month in British.

他们发现非重新安置不可。They found themselves compelled to relocate.

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她应该是愿意调迁到美国。She should be willing to relocate to the USA.

我们将把工厂迁到城外。We will relocate the factory outside the city.

如果愿意搬迁到艾哈迈达巴德,古吉拉特。Should be willing to relocate to Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

也请您的付款单上的存款搬迁。Also please relocate the deposit on your payment sheet.

和部分西欧地区,几万人被迫重新安置。Several hundred thousand people were forced to relocate.

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实现了换胎后系统自动轮胎重定位。At last, the system is able to relocate after switching tires.

但是根据这些统计数据去搬迁并非明智之举。But deciding to relocate based on statistics is not advisable.

它是一整个农园,不仅仅是种子,你不能搬迁一个农园吧。It's an entire garden, not just seeds, you can't relocate a garden

我们在外国人的名字希望调迁这笔资金避免所有踪影。We wish to relocate this fund in a foreigner's name to avoid any trace.

由此需要我们对现有的燃煤管理工具进行重新思考与定位。So, it's necessary to re-consider and relocate the management tool of coal.

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一位客户按时递送来的支票帮助他的事务所重新找了一个安身之地,并支付了新办公地的租金。One client's timely check allowed his firm to relocate and pay the new rent.

蒋高明说还需要更多的资金用于把分散的人口集中到小城镇上来。More funds are needed to relocate scattered settlers into cities, says Jiang.

西门松的探险队期望在高地再次找到那具尸体。Simonson's team expected to relocate the body during their high level search.

可能有必要重新安置那些过于靠近海岸生活的人口。It may be necessary to relocate people who were living too close to the shore.

有时候,您可以迁移目录,而实际上不需要对磁盘进行重新分区。Sometimes you can relocate directories without actually repartitioning the disk.

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圣·安托尼需要休息一下。以下是几种找到丢失手机的有效方法。Give St. Anthony a break. Here are handy ways to relocate a misplaced cell phone.

另外,本文还从旧雁行模式入手,创造性提出后雁行时代的新雁阵模式以及中国所处的位置。Then created a new wild goose mode in Asia and relocate the position of the China.

在经济困难时期,很多人都选择调往一份更好的工作。During these tough times, many individuals are opting to relocate for a better job.