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人才聚集是人才流动的产物。Talent accumulation is the result of talent flowage.

其堆芯流动采用自然循环。Natural circulation is adopted in the flowage of reactor core.

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土地流转首先必须有法律和理论依据。First of all, the flowage of land has qualification of law and theory.

明渠流动指的是具有自由流动表面的水流形式。The open-channel flowing refers to a kind of flowage which has the free surface.

通过对流量的检测和控制达到生产所需要的要求。This system can achieve the production requirement by measuring and control the flowage.

最后利用大尺度卫星测高重力场研究地幔流分布。Thirdly, large scale satellite altimetry gravity data is used to analysis the distribution of mantle flowage.

并具体地分析了在气体流量通道入口处气体的流向角度对传感器输出信号以及气体流动状态的影响。The influences of inlet gas flow pitch angle on the sensor output and gas flowage are specifically investigated.

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热水涌出是地下矿热害之一,它恶化环境有损健康,有时甚至淹没矿井,中断生产。Hot water flowage is one of heat hazards for underground mine. It is harmful to health, deteriorates environment.

水溶液在岩石裂隙中的存在,为带电离子定向流动提供了通道。Aqueous solution existed in the rock fissure, providing routeways to the directional flowage of electriferous ion.

本文设计的是基于单片机的智能IC卡燃气流量的控制器,可用在一些小规模的生产环节中。This design in an intelligent IC card gas flowage controller, and it may be used in some small scale production teach.

人才是人力资本的人格化,是作为人才市场化流动的主体出现的。The talent is the personalized expression of the human resource, and it appears as the subject of the flowage of talent.

土地证券化是农村融资的重要途径,也是农村土地流动的最高级形式。The securitization of land is an important way of financing and also the superlative form of the land flowage in the country.

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这不仅使大量的生产流动资金被长期占用,还存在诸如占地、环境污染和资源浪费等一系列问题。A lot of flowage is tied up for a long time, and a series of problems such as occupying terra population resource using appear.

应从统筹教育发展、完善投入政策、建立教师流动机制、加强考核监督等方面入手,合理配置教师资源,促进基础教育均衡发展。Therefore, teacher resource should be planned as a whole, and set up teacher flowage system to ensure balanced development of basic education.

这种流动的目的是为了实现所拥有的人力资本与物质资本的最佳结合,实现主体的多层次需求。The flowage aims to realize the perfect combination of the talent resource and the material resource, and fulfill the multi-layered demands of the subject.

通过高斯烟流模式,建立起了污染物排放总量和环境空气质量之间的直接关系。The direct relationship between total amount of pollution emission and environmental atmospheric quality was been established with the Gauss smoke flowage mode.

论文以湿地系统中的能量流动为主线,绘制出寿光市湿地系统的能流模型图,进而分析了湿地的营养结构特征。As the energy flowage a masterstroke, the paper protracted the energy flowing mode of wetland ecology in Shouguang City, and analyzed its nutrition structure character.

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新时期的人力资源管理人员必须具备全球化的意识,用全球化的眼光来选拔和培养人才,用全球化的眼光来看待人才的合理流动。In new time, the staff of HRM must have globalization sense, and use global sight to choose and trade people, and use global sight to treat people's flowage with reason.

为认知水泥砂浆混合物料靠重力自由流出的流动状态,对包装机出口处料仓内的水泥砂浆混合物的三维定常流场进行了数值模拟。To learn the gravity flowage condition of cement-sand mix, the three-dimensional stationary flow field of cement-sand mix in the storage hopper of packer is simulated numerically.

如何对核心人才进行有效管理,建立良性、健康的流动体系,成为当前企业关注的首要问题。Therefore how to effective manage key employees, form a healthy and good employee flowage system, which has been the most important problem faced with each new high-tech enterprise.