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我感到一阵痛彻心扉的内疚。I felt a twinge of guilt.

我可是一点儿肉体的痛苦也没有受到啊!And not a twinge of bodily pain about me!

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你做这事不屈心吗?Has your action never given you a twinge of conscience?

小的刺痛是新浪微博登陆一点儿悲伤,任意的痛苦。The small twinge is a bit of soreness, the random pain.

但同时,每一次又都要承受良心上的煎熬。But each time again there was a horrid twinge of conscience.

凯瑟琳挂了电话,她有一种突如其来的惶恐不安的感觉。As Katherine hung up, she felt an unexpected twinge of trepidation.

马克也为她感到高兴,而要让马克留在家里照料婴儿让我感到有些内疚。Mark was thrilled for her, and I felt a twinge of guilt about leaving him with the baby.

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阵痛一发生就赶紧吃一粒消炎止痛药,帮助小腹的收缩停下来。Take an anti-inflammatory painkiller at the first twinge of cramping to stop the contractions.

现在,当我在周六下午漫无目的的无所事事时,我就感到一种同样无助的刺痛。Now, when I’m lounging around aimlessly on a Saturday afternoon, I feel a twinge of that same helplessness.

在繁忙的一天结束之时,你会有背部刺痛的感觉,胃像打结一样,或者头会嗡嗡做响吗?。At the end of a hectic day do you have a twinge in your back, knot in your stomach, or pounding in your head?

面对面的坐下来交谈—眼睛转动或者刺痛可能破坏讨论—不爽。Stting and talking face to face --where an eye roll or twinge of pain could derail the discussion--was tough.

她大声说,在她轻轻地把山鸡弄死的时候,眼泪流了下来。“我可是一点儿肉体的痛苦也没有受到啊!she exclaimed, her tears running down as she killed the birds tenderly. `And not a twinge of bodily pain about me!

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她的眼睛看到了他的勇敢,虽然伤害过她,他看到她郁悒的脸上的痛苦,他战胜了罪恶感的阵痛。Her eyes met his bravely in spite of her hurt, and he fought down a twinge of guilt at the pain he saw in her wan face.

也许他对自己做的事有那么一丁点儿的良心不安,那么就是在这一点儿上他是邪恶有罪的。He might suffer the least rudimentary twinge of conscience in whatever he did, and in just so far he was evil and sinning.

不过有一群人要除外,那些小气的用户现在下载新扩展时,可能要遭受一点愧疚感的折磨。except, of course, for the cheap users who will now have to suffer a little twinge of guilt when downloading a new add-on.

怀旧这个词,在希腊语里的意思是,旧伤口的伤痛。它让你心头一紧,远比记忆本身强大。Nostalgia in Greek, literally means The pain from an old wound, it's a twinge in your heart, far more powerful than memory alone.

今天回想起来,其实我每逢开车过小桥、走山路时都提心吊胆。Looking back on it today, I can see that I'd always felt a twinge of fear when driving over small bridges and along hilly highways.

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如果你认为一次牙痛就意味着要拨去数颗牙的话,那你把问题看得太严重了。You're making a mountain out of a molehill if you think that one twinge of toothache means that you must have several teeth extracted.

然而,就算是这些国家现在后悔加入欧元区,他们自己也都知道如果退出欧元区将会带来更大的问题。Yet even if some countries now have a twinge of regret over joining the euro, they know that the pain would get worse still if they left.

显然在比赛中我们有一到两个破门机会,凯利的腿部有刺痛感,所以只能在下半场下场,随后阿格也被迫立场。Obviously we picked up one or two knocks in the match. Martin Kelly felt a wee twinge at the top of his leg so he had to come off at half-time.