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我说全是!I say all!

说“啊”。Say “ahhh.”

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很难说Hard to say.

我咩咩叫。I say "baa."

许多人说不。Many say no.

不说任何丑恶?Say no ugly?

啊哈,你说说看。Aha, you say.

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来看看-有问题么?Say -- sorry?

别说,我全懂了!Say no more !

阿木常常这么说。Amu often say.

你说不开?Do you say no?

我就能这么说了I can now say.

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绝不要轻言放弃。Never say die.

哦,我说的太多了。Oh i say alot.

说句谢谢你?Say thank you?

向它说是。Say yes to it.

我说”胡扯!I say bullshit.

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俺说他乱搞。I say he fucks.

“早上好,”我说。Morning, I say.

说来听听?Say to hear to?