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在妊娠最后三个月期间的自然流产称为“死产”。A miscarriage during the last three months of pregnancy is called "stillbirth".

为了进行死因推断,实地调查员在死胎发生后的4至6周内走访了这些母亲们。For verbal autopsy, field workers visited mothers 4 to 6 weeks after the stillbirth.

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各阶段死产和早期新生儿死亡比率呈逐阶段性下降。The ratio of the stillbirth and the early neonatal death de creased one stage by one stage.

孕期利斯特氏菌病可能导致流产,死婴和新生儿感染。Listeriosis during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth and infection of the newborn.

但是他们发现有着多次流产或死胎经历的女性有着更高患心脏病的危险。But they found women with multiple miscarriages or stillbirth were at higher risk of heart attack.

通过遗传力估计,母猪产木乃伊和死胎的遗传力分别为0.344,0.006。Through Heritability estimates of sow production mummy and stillbirth are 0.344, 0.006 respectively.

比较了1995年至2009年的死产率之后发现,撒哈拉以南非洲和大洋洲的进展最慢。Comparing stillbirth rates in 1995 to 2009, the least progress has been seen in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania.

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就在18年前,一个女人面临了4次流产和一次死婴。Just over 18 years ago a woman was faced with the harsh fact that she had already had 4 miscarriages and 1 stillbirth.

该病对牛的危害尤为严重,主要造成孕畜流产、死胎以及新生犊牛的运动神经系统疾病。It is primarily causative agent of abortion, stillbirth and the motor nervous system disease of nascent calf in cattle.

在美国,每年大约有一百万的女性由于流产或死产而终止妊娠。Pregnancy loss by miscarriage or stillbirth affects more than an estimated one million women in the United States annually.

两人虽相互欣赏又因关鹏姐姐的死产生误会。Although two people are admired each other because the stillbirth of Guan Peng's elder sister is unripe, misunderstand again.

研究人员同时发现,高龄孕妇在怀孕38周时所接受的胎检有助于最大限度地降低死产率。The researchers also found that fetal testing at 38 weeks gestation has the greatest impact at reducing stillbirth rates in older women.

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然而过量的饮酒已经被证实可能会增加流产和死胎的危险,同时也有可能会出现婴儿畸形的风险。Drinking heavily has been shown to increase the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth and babies are more likely to be born with deformities.

感染了戊肝的孕妇的死亡率达到近四分之一,而且幸存者流产和死胎的几率相当高。Up to a quarter of pregnant women who catch hepatitis E die from it, and survivors have high rates of spontaneous abortion and stillbirth.

当子宫内出现病毒感染时,病毒可经胎盘传染给胎儿,造成流产或死胎。When the uterus of a virus infection, the virus can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta, causing a miscarriage or stillbirth.

另外,李斯特菌是新生儿脑膜炎第三常见的病原菌,而且可以致流产和死胎。Additionally, Listeria infection is the third most common cause of bacterial meningitis in newborns, and can cause abortion and stillbirth.

研究发现,超过1/4的孕妇有牙病,并且已经证实它与流产、死产和早产也有关联。More than a quarter of pregnant women have gum disease, and there is evidence it is linked with miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth.

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阻塞可能使分娩时间延长,从而增加剖腹产、大出血、婴儿窘迫和死产的危险。Obstruction can lead to prolonged labour, which increases the risk of caesarean section, heavy bleeding, distress in the infant and stillbirth.

主要可引起早产、羊水胎粪污染、死胎及产时胎儿窘迫、死产,其病因及发病机制至今不清。It is associated with a high rate of premature delivery, meconium stained amniotic fluid, antepartum fetal death, and fetal anoxia and stillbirth.

通过固定效应值估计发现,对死胎和木乃伊的影响从小到大依次为品种、胎次、配种月份和产仔月份。The results show that estimates the value of the fixed effects of stillbirth and mummies were from larger than large is species, parity, birth month and month of breeding.