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他是一个瘦瘦、细长身材的青年人。He is a thin, weedy youth.

伊乐藻属的任何一种水生植物。A weedy aquatic plant of genus elodea.

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颓圮的墙,还有,杂草丛生的墙角。Decadent injure the walls, and, weedy corner.

一种杂草类的欧亚植物,通常对谷物的种植有害。Any of several weedy plants, especially the corn cockle.

蔓生的牵牛花藤越过了雨林的天蓬,疯长开去。Weedy morning-glory vines overran the rainforest canopy.

蒿属的任何一种混合的杂草。Any of several weedy composite plants of the genus artemisia.

我们仅能依稀辨出桥下一条杂草丛生的窄沟。Below the bridge we could just discern a narrow, weedy ditch.

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太长,象蛇一样的身躯,显得虚弱。Too long, weedy and snaky a body, giving an impression of weakness.

我相信是一个杂草丛生的归卷丹在美国东部的中期害虫。I believe lancifolium is a weedy naturalized pest in the mid to eastern US.

草海龙是一种诡异但却奇妙而色彩斑斓的海底生物。The Weedy Sea Dragon is a weird, wonderful and colorful underwater creature.

坟墓四周已经杂草丛生,又高又细。因为没带剪刀,所我只好用手拔掉杂草。Lacking shears, I tried to pull the longest, growinglank and weedy now, with my hands.

巨大的石松树林被相当快蔓生的蕨类植物所取代而突然消亡。Giant club moss trees vanished overnight to be replaced by rather weedy fern vegetation.

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事实上,亚丽克西斯最大的罪行无非是他是这位野心勃勃的沙皇父亲羸弱的长子。In reality, Alexis’s greatest crime was to be the weedy eldest son of an ambitious father.

在南美洲的玉米田周围,长著它们的野生亲戚,蜀黍。In South America, a weedy corn relative, teosinte, dresses the edges of domesticated cornfields.

在南美洲的玉米田周围,长着它们的野生亲戚,蜀黍。In South America, a weedy corn relative, teosinte, dresses the edges of domesticated cornfields.

两只鸭子挨着芦苇,在芦苇影子上游来游去,孩子静静地坐在那里想着。Two ducks swam by the weedy margin above their shadows, and the child would sit still and think.

小的天然湖泊经常会呈锅底形,各类生物都趋向于在多草的岸线附近活动。Small natural lakes are often bowl-shaped and the focus of life tends to be around the weedy shorelines.

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美洲多年生粗杂草,茎穿过巨大的叶子,花紫色或暗红色。Coarse weedy american perennial herb with large usually perfoliate leaves and purple or dull red flowers.

杂草丛生的路边就像一座座博物馆,而我们周围的玉米地和大豆田就像拥有很多圆形场地的马戏场。Weedy roadsides were like museums and the fields of corn and beans around us were like circuses with many rings.

对海南岛杂草稻的生态环境进行了描述,杂草稻混生在深水稻中繁衍。The ecotope, habit and morphological characters were investigated and identified on weedy rices in Hainan Island.