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因此,正确廓清人身危险性的概念是刻不容缓的。So it is very necessary to define the concept of personal dangerousness.

许多这些想法都是没有道理、夸大了情况中的危险性。Many of these thoughts are irrational and exaggerate the dangerousness of the situation.

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依据考虑对象的危险性大小筛选危险性种类。Dangerousness is taken into consideration when a pest species is selected for quarantine.

因为他们的危险和意图被视同为实施性侵犯行为。Because of their dangerousness , attempts are treated the same as completed acts of criminal sexual abuse.

在刑法领域内,人身危险性的概念是指实施了严重危害社会行为的人再次实施严重危害社会行为的可能性。In the fields of criminal law, personal dangerousness refers to the possibility that a criminal re-commits crimes.

这种“医疗模式”的解释再一次大幅增加了认为他们危险和不可预知的观念。Yet again, the "medical model" approach significantly increased perceptions of dangerousness and unpredictability.

法院所关心的公共安全,所以需要工具,评估未来的风险,危险等。Courts are concerned with public safety, therefore, the need for tools that assess future risk of dangerousness to others.

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对人身危险性的认定可以分为再犯可能和初犯可能两类。Personal Dangerousness identification of recidivism can be divided into two categories of possible and probably a first-time offender.

危险、危害因素分析是危险辨识的重要环节,是安全评价的基础。The analysis of the dangerous and harmful factors is the basis of safety appraisal and the crucial part in the dangerousness appraisal.

至于那些可以合理地归入这种行为范畴的杀人,该行为的危险性就是“预谋”的证明。The dangerousness of the conduct would be evidence of "malice" as regards any killing that may be reasonably attributed to such conduct.

当我们谈到黑色的美洲狮,其他人想到的是掠食动物,然而我们想到的是建筑中未被训服的危险。When we speak of black panthers, the others think of predatory animals. We, however, think of the untamed dangerousness of architecture.

而许霆案与刘涌案正好是根据人身危险性大小从宽与从严的典型案例。The cases of Xu Ting and Liu Yong make two typical examples for such sentencing on the basis of personal dangerousness and the criminal policy.

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作者认为,区内未来可能发生更大规模的爆炸活动,其危险性应引起高度关注。We consider, thus, the hydrothermal explosions in the future would be more violent and a serious attention should be paid to its dangerousness.

人身危险性是影响量刑的因素,是实施宽严相济刑事政策的重要依据。Personal dangerousness impacts sentencing . It is an important basis for implementing the criminal policy of combining punishment with leniency.

该部分着重介绍了人身危险性的判断概况,分别阐述了再犯可能性的表征和初犯可能性的表征。In the part, the author introduces the judgment of personal dangerousness and expands the criterion of judging the recidivist and first offender.

注意环境保护、防止污染及噪声和考虑危险程度划分来布置设备。Attention to the environment, to prevent pollution and noise level , and considering the degree of the dangerousness to decorate their equipments.

人身危险性的表征因素包括犯罪人的素质特性及犯罪前、中、后的表现。The indicating factors of the personal dangerousness include the criminal's personality and his performance before, in the course of and after the crime.

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在实体法上,其方法论是虚假的预测主义,再犯可能性、未然之罪、人身危险性等根基性概念均是伪命题。The methodology of prevention theory is deceitful estimation, the groundwork concept of pre-committing crime, future crime and personal dangerousness are all false.

这一原则要求在规定和裁量刑罚时,既要注重犯罪行为及其造成的实际危害,又要注重犯罪人的主观恶性或人身危险性。This principle claims when we conclude and decide punishment, we shall pay attention to not only criminal behavior and its harm in fact but also subjective malice or personal dangerousness.

针对CNG站的属于高风险性场所,分析了CNG站火灾的危险性及其原因,并对CNG站事故进行了统计分类。Based on that CNG stations belong to highly hazard ground, the causation and dangerousness of fire hazard is analyzed as well as statistic classification of failures in CNG stations is presented.