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我低声的说。I said softly.

克鲁利轻轻地发出了嘶嘶的声音。He hissed softly.

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我轻轻地笑了。I laughed softly.

我柔声继续说道。I went on softly.

她柔柔地践踏。She treads softly.

一只鸽子轻柔地咕咕叫。A dove cooed softly.

他轻轻地吻了我。He kissed me softly.

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“是的,”我轻轻的说。“Yes, ” I say softly.

“我愿意,”他轻声说。I do “ he said softly.

"你好,"他温柔地说道。""Hello," he said softly.

“退回去,”我轻声地说。“Back up, ” I said softly.

这条棉制毛巾被很柔软。The cotton towel is softly.

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汤姆在他耳边轻声问道。Tom asked softly in his ear.

“电脑,”他轻声叫道。"Computer, " he said softly.

轻柔地合上你的似水双眸。Shut softly your watery eyes.

球落得很轻很稳。That ball landed very softly.

“哈瑞奎师那。”他温柔地说道。Hare Krsna, " he said softly."

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黑衣男人语调轻缓。The man in black spoke softly.

小女孩呜咽着,轻轻地呜咽着。The girl whimpers, very softly.

我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里。Killing me softly with his song.