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土卫一上这个巨型环形山为什么有这么古怪的颜色?Why is this giant crater on Mimas oddly colored?

陨石坑所产生的影响,几乎可以摧毁整个的土卫一。The impact that made this crater likely almost destroyed Mimas.

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土卫六和土卫二的影子已经移出了土星环的右边。The shadows of Titan and Mimas have both moved off the right side of the disk.

土卫一位于最右侧光环附近,紧贴着土星盘面。Small moon Mimas is just touching Saturn's disk near the ring plane at the far right.

颜色差异可能提供土卫一表面组成的线索以了解其动荡的历史。The color difference could yield surface composition clues to the violent history of Mimas.

来自亮弧碎片的灰尘拖带到环中并受到土卫一引力场的吸引。Thus, the entire G ring could be derived from an arc of debris held in a resonance with Mimas.

这是土卫一的一张高清特写照片,清晰的显示了巨大赫歇尔陨石坑周围不同颜色的神秘性。A high-resolution closeup of Saturn's moon Mimas shows mysterious color differences around the huge Herschel crater.

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月亮的影子土卫星刚刚溜了土星环和行星在这个“卡西尼”号飞船的形象。The shadow of the moon Mimas has just slipped off Saturn's rings and onto the planet in this Cassini spacecraft image.

在这张照片,卡西里捕捉到一张陨石坑在里侧的画面,以这个视角看过去卫星就像被整齐的切掉了一边一样。In the new shot, Cassini captured Mimas at such an angle that the crater instead makes the moon look flattened on one side.

一个比创造了130千米赫歇尔环形山更大的撞击很可能会毁了整个土卫一。An impact on Mimas much larger than the one that created the 130-kilometer Herschel would likely have destroyed the entire world.

人眼所见土卫一的自然颜色可能是均匀的灰色或黄色,但这张拼接图经过了增强对比度,以显示其他波长的光的差异。The natural color of Mimas visible to the human eye may be a uniform gray or yellow color, but this mosaic has been contrast-enhanced and shows differences at other wavelengths of light.

要是用人的肉眼来看土卫一的话,它可能会是全灰色的,但这张照片上的颜色非常的夸张。To the human eye, Mimas would likely be a uniform gray. The colors in this picture are exaggerated, based on data from visible, infrared, ultraviolet, and green filters on Cassini's cameras.