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我们保证到文建会10页每一个月。We guarantee up to cca 10 pages every month.

中国消费者协会的经费由政府资助和社会赞助。CCA is funded by Government subvention and social donations.

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第37条本条例施行细则,由文建会定之。Article 37 The enforcement rules of this Act shall be prescribed by the CCA.

搏动性突眼的恢复与压迫颈总动脉有关。Press the CCA is proved to be relative with recovery of pulsating exophthalmos.

本文应用DCA、CCA及DCCA排序技术对新疆呼图壁盐化草甸群落进行了分析。The salty meadow community of Hutubi, Xinjiang was analyzed by DCA, CCA and DCCA.

本文研究表明将DCCA和CCA应用到植物区系地理学研究上是可行的。The studies indicate that CCA and DCCA are applicable in florology and phytogeography.

所有的CCA化学元素的流失情况,红松比南洋松更明显。All of the CCA components were leached significantly more in red pine than southern pine.

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最后分析了硬态和软态铜包铝线在力学性能上的差别。Finally, the discrimination between hard and soft CCA in mechanical performance is analyzed.

通过因子分析将诸项弹性参数合并生成弹性因子。Factor analysis can be used to combine the correlation indicators of CCA elasticity to elastic factor.

这些结果显示,借助CCA载体可能为提高脱氢活性及抑制催化剂结焦失活开拓一条新途径。So the CCA support provides a new way to enhance dehydrogenation activity and inhibit coking of catalyst.

荷电添加剂对墨粉荷电量的调节作用以及聚合墨粉的上机实验效果。Regulation of CCA to toner charge and results of machine test with polymerized toner were also investigated.

据我们观察,加利福尼亚艺术学院很多学生都对这些巨大的枕头感兴趣。While we watched, different CCA students took turns lounging around on the floor with these massive pillows.

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综防区群落各营养层的优势集中性较化防区小。Dominant concentration of each trophic level of the communities in the IPMA was smaller than that in the CCA.

并发症很少。在病人和移植肝的生存期方面CCA组和对照组没有差异。Hepatic venous complications were rare. Patient and graft surial were not different between CCA and control patients.

由于以下所列的未预料的货船事件,到香港的ETA船已经延迟了20天。Beacause of the below quoted unexpected issues with the vessel, the ETA to the Hong Kong has been delayed for cca 20 days.

将弹性因子与壁运动诸项指标进行简单直线相关分析及多元线性回归分析。Elastic factor and indexes of CCA walls pulsate were disposed by Bivarite Correlations Analyze and Linear Regression Analyze.

第17条文建会对于出资奖励文化艺术事业者,得给予第十三条第一款或第二款之奖励。Article 17 The CCA may grant the rewards under Items 1 or 2 of Article 13 to sponsors of cultural and arts-related enterprises.

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方法结合文献,对1例出生仅10天的双侧先天性后鼻孔闭锁病例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。Methods The clinical date of a 10-day-old infant with bilateral CCA were analyzed retrospectively, and the literature was reviewed.

GEO和CCA合董事会成员名字读起来就好像是民主党和共和党的前内阁成员。The boards of directors for GEO and CCA read like a who’s who from past administrations and include both Republicans and Democrats.

结论本研究显示组织速度成像技术可用来评价正常人和原发性高血压患者颈总动脉壁运动特点与弹性特征。Conclusions This study demonstrated the feasibility of TVI in the characterization of wall motion patterns and in the assessment of CCA elasticity.