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科威特空军将非常重视对有关建议加以研究。The offer would be studied very seriously by the Kuwaiti Air Force, he added.

中国队大喊着要求改变判定,但是科威特人坚持了立场。China loudly appealed the decision but Kuwaiti referee Saad Kameel stood firm.

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在2005年,经过长达三十年的斗争,科威特妇女最终赢得了投票权。In 2005, after a three-decade-long struggle, Kuwaiti women finally won the right to vote.

科威特的年轻人每晚都会在市中心晃悠数小时,开车的速度令人惊粟。Young Kuwaiti men cruise round town for hours every evening, often at hair-raising speed.

Kuwaiti和他的兄弟进进出出,但三楼的另一个男人却从不离开。Kuwaiti and his brother came and went but another man living on the third floor never left.

Kuwaiti开着一辆白色的SUV,车备胎盖上装饰着白色犀牛形象。Kuwaiti drove a white S.U.V. whose spare-tire cover was emblazoned with an image of a white rhino.

比如1987年,里根总统在两伊战争期间派出部队支援科威特船只。For example , President Reagan sent troops to assist Kuwaiti ships during the Iran-Iraq war in 1987.

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他声称受到科威特安全部队的严刑拷问,包括被拔甲等。He has claimed he was tortured by Kuwaiti security forces, including having his fingernails pulled out.

这象征着科威特社会现代主义和传统主义奇特的分裂。This is symbolic of a bizarre dichotomy within Kuwaiti society, between modernizers and traditionalists.

国会外事大臣B.B坚持说科威特的调查是全面的。The parliamentary secretary for foreign affairs, Bruce Billson, insisted the Kuwaiti investigation was comprehensive.

科威特政府最终向美国政府求救,保护其储油罐,Christian说。The Kuwaiti government eventually went to the US government asking for protection of their oil tankers, said Christian.

15日造成43名妇女和儿童死亡的科威特婚礼大火的事故原因已经查明,罪魁祸首竟是新郎的前妻。The fire at a Kuwaiti wedding last Saturday that killed 43 women and children was lit by the ex-wife of the bridegroom.

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2011年1月4日,在科威特城海湾地区的一个咖啡馆中,几名科威特男子通过特制的滤光片观测日偏食。Kuwaiti men look through special filters at a partial solar eclipse in a cafe on the Gulf in Kuwait City on January 4, 2011.

哈米德赫萨利姆萨巴赫委员,科威特王室,孙子已故科威特埃米尔谢赫贾比尔艾哈迈德萨巴赫。Hamed Salem Al-Sabah, Member of the Kuwaiti Royal Family, Grandson of the late Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Al Sabah.

今年2月卡米拉陪同查尔斯出访海湾各国时,收到科威特王室赠送的一条项链、一枚胸针和一根腰带。During a trip to the Gulf states in February, Camilla was given a necklace, a brooch and a belt from the Kuwaiti royal family.

对Christian而言,在1987年两伊战争期间发生了一桩重大事件,当时伊拉克攻击了科威特位于巴林附近的石油槽罐。For Christian, a pivotal event occurred during the Iran-Iraq war in 1987 when Iraq attacked a Kuwaiti oil tanker near Bahrain.

本拉登留下了一个遗愿,至少一分科威特的杂志是这么说的。在这个遗愿中,他坚持要求他们的还不不能够加入基地组织。Bin Laden left a will, or at least what a Kuwaiti magazine says is a will. In it, he insists thahis children not join Al Qaeda.

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去年,公司下注科威特第纳尔,结果它成了海湾地区第一个放弃钉住美元汇率的货币。Last year, it made a wager on the Kuwaiti dinar, which became the first currency in the region to abandon a strict peg to the dollar.

科威特计划部长穆巴拉克说,即使民主框架不能足够保证,但也要沿其应该的方向发展。Kuwaiti Planning Minister Massouma Al-Mubarak said, even the framework of democracy is not enough to ensure that it works the way it should.

当这个小队伍绕过角落面对着客房门的时候,他们发现Kuwaiti正跑进去给其妻子和孩子发出警报。When the smaller unit rounded the corner to face the doors of the guesthouse they spotted Kuwaiti running inside to warn his wife and children.