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只是情境不同。Different situation.

重新组织自己面临的状况。Reframe the situation.

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事态严重。The situation is serious.

事态平复。The situation has quieted.

情况紧急。The situation is critical.

形势逼人。The situation spurs us on.

那是一种令人神往的情形。It's a beautiful situation.

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形势一派大好。The situation is excellent.

尼日利亚的电力供应现状很是滑稽。The situation is grotesque.

局势不稳。The situation was unstable.

但他们误读了形势。They misread the situation.

形势喜人。The situation is gratifying.

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我们正处在一个毫无胜算的情形。We're in a no-win situation.

我被这种局面搞糊涂了。I was stuck by the situation.

这使我们面临着破产的局面。It's a bankrupting situation.

这与过去的情形可是完全颠倒了。It's a topsy-turvy situation.

情况复杂。The situation is complicated.

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招工形势非常严峻。The situation is most severe.

该情况很少发生。This situation rarely occurs.

什么场合让你害羞了?What situation makes you shy?