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悔过者获得了赦免。Those who were penitent obtained absolution.

神对悔过的罪人的应许是什么?What is God's promise to the penitent sinner?

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一间悔过房早就应该成为你的住所了。A penitent cell would have been your home long ago.

罪人们就是怀著这种心请坐到忏悔的长凳上去的。In such frame of mind sinners come to the penitent form.

罗伯特·盖茨坐在他们面前,对过去的事几乎无颜以对。Robert Gates sat before them, almost penitent about the past.

忏悔者眼睛流淌着泪水,可是表情却似乎在笑。Penitent eyes flowing with tears, but smiling faces, it seems.

难道我们不能悔过自新,渴望重建联盟吗?Do not we become penitent and remorseful and crave for reunion?

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既然他已经悔罪了,我认为他不会再那样做了。Since he has been penitent , I don't think he will do that again.

没有更多的要求应该说的'忏悔'在十字架上。Nothing more would require to be said to the ' penitent ' on the Cross.

锡安必因公平得蒙救赎,其中归正的人,必因公义得蒙救赎。Zion will be redeemed with justice, her penitent ones with righteousness.

悔悟的皇帝如今敬畏地拜倒在这尊古圣像面前。Before this ancient image penitent emperors now prostrate themselves in awe.

告解庭是一种仪式,承认自己是原罪违犯者及忏悔者。Exomologesis was a ritual of recognizing oneself as a sinner and a penitent.

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我承认自己是以痛苦的经历来说这话的,并且毫不惭愧地承认自己是一个忏悔者。I own to speak this with sad experience, and am not ashamed to confess myself a penitent.

认罪也指明悔罪者在过去几年来,在这个地位所经验的整个过程。Recognition also designates the entire process that the penitent experiences in this status over the years.

在基督教的告解,忏悔者必须记著行为的法则,这样才能发现自己的原罪。In Christian confession, the penitent is obliged to memorize laws but does so in order to discover his sins.

过去,好莱坞要求劣迹斑斑的影星离开一段时间——他们被救赎前的悔过期,好莱坞的第二步是救赎。Once, Hollywood required scandal-ridden stars to go away for a while — a penitent hiatus before they could enjoy redemption, their second acts.

忏悔者希望自己红着脸坦白罪过能够带来宽恕,但是说一句对不起真的能重塑他们的公信力吗?The penitent hope their red-faced admissions of guilt will bring absolution, but can saying sorry really be enough to restore their credibility?

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但是正如在忏悔席上的谦卑、恭顺的忏悔人瞥见他们未来的辉煌生活一样,他也从占有露丝瞥见了类似的辉煌生活。But as the meek and lowly at the penitent form catch splendid glimpses of their future lordly existence, so did he catch similar glimpses of the state he would gain to by possessing her.

第18章鼓励信徒为公义祷告,并用两个引人注目的例子来阐明神国的公义—悔改的税吏和小婴孩在神眼中都是“公义”的。Chapter 18 encourages prayers for justice and shows two striking examples of God's justice in the Kingdom – the penitent tax collector and the little babies are both "just" in the eyes of God.