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喔,我觉得困乏了,喔,监狱宝贝。Oh, I feel so sleepy, Oh, Jailhouse baby.

“拉斯维加斯万岁”和“监狱摇滚”包括在电影中。"Viva Las Vegas" and "Jailhouse Rock, " were among the movies.

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这位拳击手坚持自己无罪,他成了为自己辩护的牢房律师。The boxer maintained his innocence and became his own jailhouse lawyer.

一名"狱霸"致两名在押犯人死亡,另有一名严重致残。Two prisoners died and another was severely injured by a jailhouse bully.

这名囚犯假装疯癫,避免与那个狱霸发生冲突。The prisoner faked insanity to avoid confrontation with the jailhouse bully.

他的意思是我们所居住的世界只不过是真理狱门上的挂锁。He means that the world we live in is merely the padlock on the jailhouse door of reality.

一方面依照被告在监狱的供认,这是臭名昭著的非常不可靠的证据。It's based on a jailhouse confession in part, which is notoriously unreliable form of evidence.

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由德国一所监狱改造成的酒店,体验下囚犯的感觉也不错吧!顾客可以自由出入。Former German prison turned hotel offers guests a jailhouse experience, with a possibility of walking out whenever they like.

上个月,负责朗格弗德案子的一名调查员告诉狱警,如果他们想找到这颗钻石,就得搜查监狱的下水道。Last month,an investigator representing Langford told jail officials to search the jailhouse drains if they wanted to find the diamond.

其罪名是基于纵火调查人的发现和狱中报案人约翰尼·韦伯的证词——此人声称威廉汉姆曾向自己供罪——而判处的。His conviction rested on arson investigators'findings and the testimony of Johnny Webb, a jailhouse informant who claimed that Willingham had confessed to him.