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暗含的悖论。The paradoxes of entailment.

这是暗含的悖论。That's the case of a paradox of entailment.

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好,那些事暗含的悖论。Okay so those are the paradoxes of entailment.

这叫做暗含的单调性。This is called the monotonic property of entailment.

这客观的必然过渡就是客观的“制约关系”。The objective transition is the objective "entailment relation".

语义预设和语义蕴涵关系。The relation of Semantic Presupposition and Semantic Entailment.

汉语中与否定有关的现象都可以由衍推关系得到解释。Some phenomena of negation in Chinese can be explained by entailment.

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蕴含和预设是句子之间两种不同的语义关系。Entailment and presupposition are different semantic relations among sentences.

隐喻是一种形式的类比推理涉及分类,蕴涵和推理。Metaphors as a form of reasoning by analogy involve categorization, entailment and inference.

语义预设和语义蕴涵的现有鉴别方法。The existential approach of discrimination of Semantic Presupposition and Semantic Entailment.

这三个隐喻概念形成概念系统的次范畴和蕴涵。The three metaphorical concepts form a conceptual system based on subcategorization and entailment.

好,我来告诉你们两个论点,我给你们的叫做暗含的悖论。Okay let me just tell you the two arguments I have given you here are called paradoxes of entailment.

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自然语言中的“融合”现象含语义单向衍推关系,因此具有相对性。Merger is a language phenomenon that contains the relationship of one-way entailment between its two entries.

蕴含义与预设义是义句基本义的下位概念。While entailment meaning and presupposition meaning are both hypogyny conception of the basic sentence meaning.

因此,对于无限这个数学概念,或者是,像逻辑蕴涵这样的逻辑概念,超出了该年龄阶段儿童的理解范围So the mathematical notions of infinity or logical notions like logical entailment are beyond a child of this age.

中国传统道德和中国传统文化具有内在联系,蕴含丰富的文化内涵。The traditional ethics and the traditional culture in china had an innate linkage and contained a rich cultural entailment.

认知参照点是对蕴涵和语义预设关系多维度研究的一次尝试。Therefore, the paper claims CRP provides a new perspective for the study of relationship between entailment and semantic presupposition.

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这些艺术家浸淫于时间的节奏,品味着时间的韵律,咀嚼和享受着时间带给生命的光耀和蕴涵。These artists steeped in the rhythm in time, tasting the rhythm of time, enjoying the brilliance and entailment that time brings to life.

本文给出了原子命题的详细而又符合客观实际的制约逻辑语义学解释。This thesis has given atomic proposition a detailed explanation which conforms to the objective and practical semantics of Lin's Entailment Logic.

文章运用TFA概念和分析方法,探讨预设、蕴含和断言之间的区别及运作特点。This treatise uses TFA concept and its analytic method to discuss the differences and characteristics of the presupposition, entailment and affirmance.