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偏僻地区滑雪橇第10山脉赛区小屋。Backcountry Ski the 10th Mountain Division Huts.

那些地方没有人类活动的痕迹。The backcountry is far away from human activity.

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营火对荒野的影响是永恒的。Campfires can cause lasting impacts to the backcountry.

很多野外垃圾和丢弃物通常由食物而来。Much backcountry trash and litter originates from food items.

野外行进包括在小径上和小径以外通过。Backcountry travel may involve travel over both trails and off-trail areas.

从黄昏到黎明的穷乡僻壤,绘图在更深的一步之旅。Journey from dusk 'til dawn, the backcountry drawing you in deeper by the step.

你需要的地形图,因为你想逃脱到穷乡僻壤?Do you need topographic maps because you're wanting to get away into the backcountry?

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攀峡结合了攀爬、凿洞、荒野远足以及攀绳下滑。Conyoneering is a combination of climbing, caving, backcountry hiking, and rappelling.

寓言中来自穷乡僻壤的农家孩子变成了奥运会明星也就是天真的寓言而已。Dewy-eyed fables about backcountry ploughboys making it to Olympic stardom were exactly that.

这将极大减少带到野外的背包重量和过多的食物包装袋。This significantly reduces backpack weight and excess food packaging taken into the backcountry.

八名雪上汽车驾驶者在加拿大的穷乡僻壤失踪,有人怀疑他们因为当地的雪崩而丧身。Eight snowmobilers are missing and some are feared dead following avalanches in Canada's backcountry.

这张照片拍摄于华盛顿州的北瀑布国家公园,当地人烟稀少,我们在那里进行了4天的滑雪运动。This picture was taken in the North Cascade National park, WA during a 4 day backcountry skiing tour.

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他们修建露营地,建造大型旅馆,将高速公路延伸到公园的野生风景区。They developed campgrounds, built grand hotels, and routed highways through the parks’ scenic backcountry.

完美结合的快速存取和全天候保护,普里默斯胡仙内置的穷乡僻壤。A perfect combination of fast access and all weather protection, the Primus AW was built for the backcountry.

来享受迷人的穷乡僻壤和科斯塔阿苏尔的马道少而采取的孤立海滩!Come enjoy the enchanting backcountry and the isolated beaches of the Costa Azul, the bridle path less taken!

在穷乡僻壤度过几周之后,赛达-斯托克是重新享受一点主流文明的好去处。Cedar Stock was the place to go for a touch of mainstream civilization after spending weeks in the backcountry.

生火时最应该考虑的是所做的是否会对野外造成潜在的长远的危害。The most important consideration to be made when deciding to use a fire is the potential damage to the backcountry.

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牛头骨,可能是由一个移民走私红,点了一个从墨西哥到亚利桑那州的穷乡僻壤雷尔路。A cow skull, probably hung by an immigrant smuggler, points the way up a backcountry trail into Arizona from Mexico.

它所领有的配置,非论是户外团队、活动用品商、照样团队负责人,在进行短期探险时所能想到的医疗用品它都有。This kit has everything that a backcountry guide, outfitter or trip leader would want in a medical kit for a short outing.

那时候,单板滑雪吸引了一小批冲浪、滑板和越野的狂热爱好者。During that time , snowboarding appealed initially to a small group of surfers , skateboarders , and backcountry enthusiasts.