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那么删除署名。Then remove the byline.

我等着看你的大作-西德尼!I'll look for your byline . Sidney!

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这个小小的署名是否销售给你。This small byline does the marketing for you.

布迪,一直在我身边沉默着的搭档,本该在那次报道中同我一起留下署名。Buddy, my silent partner, deserved to share the byline on that story.

他们通常是利用文章上的署名,通过“脸谱”找到我。”They usually found me on Facebook, after picking up my name from a byline.

在一个听到许多痛苦的社会,一个署名要比钱好的多。In a society where so many ache to be heard, a byline was better than money.

最后,我们要感谢这篇文章的那位没有署名的作者。Finally, we wish to thank the author of this article which carries no byline.

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我们很气愤闲话周刊有篇署名文章说我是同性恋!We're mad at Gossip Weekly because of the byline they said about me being gay!

正常情况下25-30个字的描述可以达到这些目的,所以你不能浪费字数在署名上。With only 25–30 words to achieve these goals, you can't waste word count on a byline.

这篇文章可作再版只要作者函数住在内环线。This article may be used for reprint as long as authors byline and live link is included.

署名方式、署名变更、署名次序及引文标示,都涉及署名权问题。The mode, alteration, order and quotation of signature are all concerned with the right of byline.

你可以批评他防守不给力,但是我敢说在队中没有人能够像他一样在边路大作文章。You can criticise him defensively, but I can't see who else in the team gets wide and gets to the byline.

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弗莱先生还以每日观察编辑的署名发表投资观察见解和评论文章。Fry also publishes investment insights and commentary under his own byline as Editor of The Daily Reckoning.

弗莱先生还以每日观察编辑的署名发表投资观察见解和评论文章。Mr. Fry also publishes investment insights and commentary under his own byline as Editor of The Daily Reckoning.

在这种情况下,原作者的名字仍然会出现在此书上,但是团队成员享有标题下的署名和取得版税的权利。In such instances, the author's name still appears on the book, but team members share the byline and the royalties.

笔名为罗伯特•X•克林格里的马克•史蒂芬斯在科技网站cringely发表文章,列出了各大公司在此次竞购中的投入和战果,具体如下According to Mark Stephens, who writes under the byline Robert X. Cringely, the cost -- and the spoils -- were split as follows

损耗切尔西的斗志并不难,比如,梅西一记闲庭信步的传球便传过了马卢达和博辛瓦,令丹尼尔?阿尔维斯从容下底。It was elementary, in one episode, for Messi to ease a pass between Malouda and Bosingwa and send Daniel Alves running for the byline.

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主席曾对我说过,踢右后卫的时候就应该多沿着边路下底传中,今天我也是这么做的,他应该会高兴的。The president always tells me that when I play there I must get to the byline and put some crosses in. I did that today and he will be happy.

我正在构思一个精神错乱的自由作家的故事,他在一位编辑无意拼错其姓名后开始制造针对编辑们的连环凶杀案。I am thinking of a story involving a demented freelance writer who begins to serial-kill editors after one misspells the freelancer's name in a byline.

它帮助你建立一个所有有你的文章,在署名的名称,并且可以是有益的,当你试图建立你的写作生涯整个库。It assists you to build a full library of articles that all have your name in the byline and that can be beneficial when you're trying to build your writing career.