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过去十年已经看到分子辐射生物迅猛发展。The past decade has witnessed an almost explosive growth of molecular radiobiology.

线性二次模型是放射生物学应用于临床放射治疗的最大贡献。Linear quadratic model is one of the most important recent developments in radiobiology applied to radiotherapy.

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新的放射性同位素和加速器刺激了放射生物学。New radioisotopes and accelerators spurred radiobiology . Electron microscopes were turned on cells and viruses.

结论放射流行病学研究与放射生物学相结合对了解低剂量电离辐射对人类是否产生诱癌效应非常必要。Conclusion It is important to combine epidemiology with radiobiology in study of low dose effects of ionizing radiation.

将肿瘤干细胞作为放射治疗的切入点,针对其放射生物学行为制订对策,才能从根本上解决问题。Taking radiotherapy of tumor stem cells as a contact point, strategy designed by radiobiology can essentially solve this problem.

在美国,武装部队放射生物学研究所是寻找辐射更有效的治疗。In the United States, the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute is looking for more-effective treatments for radiation exposure.

放射医学经历医学放射生物学和原子医学两个阶段后在新的社会需要下又有新的发展。After two stages of medical radiobiology and atomic medicine, there is new development of radiation medicine to meet new need of society.

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随着肿瘤放射治疗学、放射生物学以及放射物理学的发展,现已积累了大量的肿瘤放射治疗数据资源。With the development of cancer radiation therapy technology, radiobiology and radiation physics, a lot of data on radiation oncology has been accumulated.

电离辐射所致生物损伤的研究既是放射生物学和放射医学中重要的前沿领域,也是目前各方面所关心的热点问题。Research on biological damages caused by various ionizing radiations is the frontier area of radiobiology and radiology . it is also the hot spot included in recent public focus.

放射生物学的学位证书是将来成为放射肿瘤学家、癌症治疗研究员、核安全从业者、基因工程师或其他相关人员的踏脚石。A degree in radiobiology can be a stepping stone to a career as a radiation oncologist, or a researcher in cancer treatment, nuclear safety, genetic engineering, and other fields.