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老朋友总是不嫌多的…It is still our old friend ETA.

预计的开船时间,预计到达的时间和船名。Pls advise the ETD, ETA and the name of Vessel.

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救援船预计在1930utc到达事故地点。ETA of rescue ship at distress position is 1930 utc.

实际上,巴斯克地区恐怖主义组织ETA的诞生正是源于这场镇压。Indeed, the Basque terrorist group ETA was born of this repression.

货物装运日前10-15天,买方应以电报或电传通知卖方合同号、船只预the Seller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vessel, ETA

身心受创,戈罗斯蒂埃塔却绝不向恶势力屈服。Physical or mental harm, Goro Stephen ETA has never yield to evil forces.

因此,埃塔决定永久性停止其武装活动。Therefore, Eta has decided the definitive cessation of its armed activity.

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这是一个,很小的数。So this is a very small number and for ideal gases, eta J is equal to zero.

当2007年ETA决定违背停火协议时,大多数人暗暗地生气了。Most were quietly furious when ETA decided in 2007 to again break a ceasefire.

如果这个集装箱已经出口了,我需要了解这个集装箱的名字,还有预计出发到洛杉矶的起止时间。If the container has exported I need the Vessel Name, ETD and ETA to Los Angeles.

在诋毁巴斯克民族主义者名声这一点上,没人比ETA做得更好。No one had done a better job than ETA at discrediting the Basque nationalist cause.

阿盖尔认为埃塔终将被消灭,但很难说何时。Aguerre believes ETA will eventually be eradicated, but it is impossible to say when.

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请尽快通知我方以下船运的预计发货时间及到货时间。Please send me the Booking Notice with the ETD & ETA for the following shipment ASAP.

埃塔组织向媒体公布了用巴斯克语、西班牙语与英语等撰写的声明。ETA announced to the media by Basque, Spanish and English and other written statements.

埃塔称,这起爆炸是因对同马德里进行和谈缺乏进展感到沮丧有关。ETA linked that bombing to frustration over a lack of progress in peace talks with Madrid.

埃塔已经越来越失去了在普通巴斯克人的支持,部分原因是它的血腥手段。ETA has increasingly lost support among ordinary Basques, partly because of its bloody tactics.

这种星云是在海山二星爆发时产生的,在1843年地球上观测到了这一次爆发。The nebula was partly created in an eruption of Eta Carinae , whose light reached Earth in 1843.

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ET-1和ETA在子宫肌瘤组织和正常子宫肌组织中均有程度不同的表达。There were certain extent expression of ET-1 and ETA in the uterine leiomyoma and the normal myometrium.

埃塔组织企图实现西班牙北部四省之一的Basque和法国西南部分地区独立。Eta wants a single Basque state made up of four northern Spanish provinces and part of south-west France.

最后,埃塔号召巴斯克社会投身于这项进程之中,直到实现自由与和平。Lastly, Eta calls upon the Basque society to commit to this process until freedom and peace are achieved.