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没有重力。No gravity.

引力是一个常数。Gravity is a constant.

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在驼峰段刹车。Brakes on a gravity hump.

其原因在于月球的重力。The reason lies in its gravity.

我们以后会讲到重力Later on, we know about gravity.

引力定律适用于宇宙万物。The law of gravity is universal.

地心引力不懈地拖曳着我的眼皮。Gravity is tugging on my eyelids.

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质量越大,引力越强。More mass means stronger gravity.

重力和时间一样也是不存在的。Gravity –like time- does not exist.

无重状态是零重力。The weightlessness is zero gravity.

万有引力定律很麻烦。This law of gravity is such a pain.

你无法逆着重力运动。You cannot walk up against gravity.

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亿万年来我们一直在和重力抗争。Millions of years we fought gravity.

现实就是万有引力的存在。And reality-- there's Law of Gravity.

因为重力是这个方向的。Because gravity is in this direction.

没有重力,东西可能飘起来。Everything can float without gravity.

相反,水自动通过重力移动上来。Instead, the water moves via gravity.

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这架飞机经受住了引力定律。The plane defied the laws of gravity.

它源于引力自身的特性。It stems from the character of gravity.

所有的恒星的重力都与其压力相平衡。All stars balance gravity with pressure.