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大家都知道这条小巷非常危险。This alleyway is known to be quite dangerous.

再见!通往青年旅社的小道。Good-bye dodgey alleyway leading to our hostel.

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一个背街的小巷。板上贴满了各种音乐会的广告。An alleyway besides the main street. Most of them were for concerts.

当我从去透气时,一个饿得皮包骨的流浪汉一瘸一拐地从附近的胡同里走出来。Just then a skinny homeless man limped out from a nearby alleyway. MMT

从一个客户选择在上海的一个小巷里街协力厂商蔬菜。A customer selects vegetables from a street vender in an alleyway in Shanghai.

图中,广西省,一位妇女在狭小的胡同里贩卖鸡蛋。In this image, from Guangxi Province, a woman sells eggs in a narrow alleyway.

在北京的老胡同里一小孩在玩着台球,中国。A young Chinese boy plays snooker in a Hutong, or a traditional alleyway in Beijing, China.

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图56显示篱壁果园不同行间宽度的光能截取和分配的情况。Light interception and distribution in hedgerow orchards with different alleyway widths is indicated in Fig . 56.

所以这就是我的那样,我成了第一个胡同走进第一家茶餐厅一样,我能找到。So that is what I did, I took the first alleyway and went into the first tea house like restaurant that I could find.

值得庆幸的是,如今北京的一些小巷式建筑也受到保护,这些房子都用白石板标记出来。Thankfully, some of Beijing's alleyway architecture is protected these days, with buildings marked by white stone plaques.

是谁充满了鼓声和伊本图伦圣歌背后雷鸣窄胡同清真寺回来数百人。The hundreds of people who have filled the narrow alleyway behind Ibn Tulun mosque thunder back with drumbeats and chants.

昨天上午,我在伦敦一处高档的地方约见客户,看到一个年轻的女子睡在小巷子里。Yesterday morning I was in a very upmarket part of London for a client meeting and I saw a young woman sleeping in an alleyway.

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星期二早上,一些相声爱好者和这位著名相声演员的弟子们挤满了这座位于胡同边上的四合院来参加这个揭幕式。On Tuesday morning, crosstalk fans and students of the renowned artist filled the alleyway house to attend its opening ceremony.

为一项展览而绘制的宝莱坞电影明星图片摆放在孟买的一条小巷中。Pictures of characters from Bollywood films, painted for an exhibition, line a Mumbai alleyway. Photograph by William Albert Allard

午夜过后她用黑假腿一动不动地站在那儿,身后是一条小胡同,里面像一座地狱一样灯火通明。After midnight she stands there in her black rig rooted to the spot. Back of her is the little alleyway that blazes like an inferno.

渣甸街是香港的一条窄巷,街边的摊位上堆满了俗丽的织物和亮闪闪的小玩意儿。He's a merchant in Jardine's Bazaar, a narrow Hong Kong alleyway of covered stalls, piled high with gaudy fabrics and shiny baubles.

我们来到了距离海边不远的当地农村,这里是传统农业的种植地,他们把农作物种在每一个狭小的山谷里面。Not far from the beach, we came to a local farming village where traditional architecture was on display down every narrow alleyway.

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这里有一点纽约的氛围,穿越昏暗的巷弄,走进这个挺大的用餐空间。This really is a kind of New York moment where you walk through this dark alleyway and into this large, let's say, restaurant space.

2010年5月31日,中国北京一条胡同。A Chinese woman fixes a puncture on a customer's bicycle in a hutong, or a traditional alleyway of Beijing, China, Monday, May 31, 2010.

超大型LNG船的泵塔处于液舱的全尺度范围内,是货物和人员进出液舱的通道。Pump tower of the super LNG ship is in whole scale range of the LNG tank, it is the alleyway for goods and persons entering and leaving.