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用角叉菜胶诱发小鼠体内血栓形成。Thrombosis was induced in mice by carrageenan.

放大后的冠状动脉血栓形成。Here is the coronary thrombosis at higher magnification.

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两组各有1例亚急性血栓形成。Sub-acute thrombosis occurred in 1 patient in both groups.

目的探讨颅内静脉窦栓塞的影像学诊断。Objective To study radiology diagnosis of venous sinus thrombosis.

本文报告34例患者共42条静脉血栓形成。This article reports a total of 42 venous thrombosis of 34 patients.

长期坐位与下肢深静脉血栓形成有关。Long-term sitting has been related to thrombosis of the deep leg veins.2

血塞通注射液对脑血栓形成具有肯定的疗效。Xuesetong injection had positive curative effect to cerebral thrombosis.

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曲霉菌趋于侵入血管,导致出血和血栓。Aspergillus likes to invade vessels and produce hemorrhage and thrombosis.

旅行者担心的另一个问题是深静脉血栓的形成。Another problem for travelers can be a condition called deep vein thrombosis.

临床也观察到脑血栓形成患者头发锰升高。Clinical also observe head manganese of thrombosis patient hair is elevatory.

目的探讨肠系膜静脉血栓形成的诊断和治疗。Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of mesenteric vein thrombosis.

采用完全随机设计,观察血塞通注射液对脑血栓形成的治疗效果。To observe the curative effect of Xuesetong injection to cerebral thrombosis.

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目的探讨血液凝固过程结构状态改变及其密度变化的相关性。Aim To explore the correlation between thrombosis and density change of gores.

但是关于空气污染与静脉血栓关系的数据却很有限。Few data on air pollution exposure and risk of venous thrombosis are available.

目的总结和分析肠系膜静脉血栓形成的经验体会。Objective To sum up and analyse the experience of mesenteric venous thrombosis.

他们发现越是长途旅行,深层静脉血栓形成的威胁性也更大。They found the longer the trip, the greater the threat of deep vein thrombosis.

此外,检出门脉血栓DUS优于IPVG,检测血流方向DUS与IPVG一致。Furthermore, the detection of portal vein thrombosis was better by DUS than IPVG.

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中华医学会血液分会血栓与止血学组。Hemostasis and Thrombosis Group, Hematology Society, Chinese Medical Association.

抗凝治疗可用来治疗癌症相关血栓形成。Anticoagulant therapy is the treatment of choice for cancer-associated thrombosis.

结论脾切除术为肠系膜上静脉血栓形成的易患因素。Conclusions Splenectomy is the apt factor to superior mesenteric venous thrombosis.