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你不能伤害一只黑猩猩。You can't hurt a chimpanzee.

黑猩猩是濒于灭种的动物。The chimpanzee is an endangered species.

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类人猿有灭绝的危险。An anthropoid ape such as a gorilla or chimpanzee.

而在那个房间里有另一只黑猩猩。And in the other room another chimpanzee is placed.

又或是假设一个黑猩猩来到一棵很大的无花果树下。Or "suppose that a chimpanzee arrived at a huge fig tree.

当黑猩猩拍杠杆的时候,它就能拿到食物。And when the chimpanzee slaps the lever, it gets some food.

在这些实验中,黑猩猩被放到一个房间,房间有根杠杆。In these studies, they put a chimpanzee in a room and there's a lever.

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这就像是在跟一只有着表演本能的黑猩猩一起演出。It was like acting with a chimpanzee who has amazing acting instincts.

原始人类中任何一个灭绝的猿物种和我们的关系都比黑猩猩更密切。A hominid is really any extinct ape more closely related to us than the chimpanzee.

也许我们永远也不会知道黑猩猩是如何看待这个世界的,或者是一条狗眼中的世界。Perhaps we can never know how a chimpanzee sees the world, or how a dog sees the world.

珍很快意识到这只黑猩猩在看帐篷里桌子上的一根香蕉。Jane soon realized the chimpanzee was eyeing a banana on the table just inside the tent.

总之,看着骑在独轮车上的黑猩猩,谁又能了解他的真正处境?After all, who could look at a chimpanzee on a unicycle and comprehend its real situation?

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因此,他们决定试着教一只黑猩猩如何使用聋哑人的手势。They therefore decided to try teaching a chimpanzee to sign in the way that deaf people do.

—与黑猩猩锋利的牙齿相比,“阿蒂”的犬齿更像人类的短平的牙齿。Ardi's upper canine teeth are more similar to stubby human teeth than sharp chimpanzee teeth

它进行了一个在大西洋上空七百公里的飞行名为火腿黑猩猩。It carried a chimpanzee named Ham on a seven-hundred-kilometer flight over the Atlantic Ocean.

贝弗莉走了进来,推着一个手推车,一只脑袋上戴着透明圆顶的黑猩猩正坐在手推车里微笑。Beverly entered, pushing a cart carrying a smiling chimpanzee with a transparent dome on its skull.

为了保证所有非洲黑猩猩的生存,这些问题亟待解决。For the sake of chimpanzee survival throughout Africa, those questions urgently need to be studied.

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一个国际小组在喀麦隆南部地区的森林中收集黑猩猩的排泄物。An international team gathered chimpanzee waste from the forest floor in areas of southern Cameroon.

卷尾猴是最聪明的猴类之一,人们已经把它们当做了“新时代的黑猩猩”来看待。Capuchins are among the smartest of monkeys and have been referred to as "the New World Chimpanzee."

首次通过分析人类和黑猩猩的X染色体上的一条回文序列,来寻找这种对称性破缺的规律。We analyze for the first time the rules of breaking in an X-palindrome between human and chimpanzee.