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记得我说过冥王星有个很奇怪的轨道。Remember what I said the Pluto has an accentric obit?

在修院里,地狱生活是当作换取天堂的代价而被人接受的。In the cloister, hell is accepted in advance as a post obit on paradise.

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彭博社数小时后就删除了讣告,并发表了简短的文章收回声明。A few hours later, Bloomberg pulled the obit and issued a brief retraction.

讣告还感谢了所有关心此事的部门,教师和学生。The obit also thanked all department, teachers and students who cared this issue.

可笑的是在浙江大学发布的讣告中,涂博士是因病坠落而亡的。The irony is that in the obit Zhengjiang University showed, Doctor Tu was died of sickness and fell down the building.

视日运动轨迹跟踪对太阳进行粗跟踪,再利用光电检测跟踪对太阳进行精确跟踪。The sun is roughly tracked by the obit tracking movement, and then it is accurately tracked by the photoelectric detection tracking.

然而,当国家同性恋权益组织试着以他的名义发讣告的时候,却遭到了拒绝。To buy a paid notice and list himself. But when a national gay-rights group tried to place an obit on his behalf, its money was rejected.

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这位妇女提到,她发现一位以前是棒球教练的一位亲戚的讣告,上面列出了他的三个孩子。Through one of the families, she met a woman who mentioned thatshe found the obit of a relative who was a former baseball manager, andthree children were listed.

研究生课程班现在发展迅速,如何把其有机地纳入学位与研究生教育的轨道,这是摆在我们研究生教育工作者面前的任务。The rapid development of the graduate classes has put in front of us the task of how to bring them effectively into the obit of academic degree and graduate education.

另外,本文用颗粒轨道模型计算了进入水力旋流器的油滴颗粒运动轨迹,在此基础上,得出了水力旋流器的分离效率曲线。In addition, the trajectories of oil droplets entering the hydrocyclone were computed by using the particle obit model. thereby the separation efficiency of the hydrocyclone can be obtained.

另外,本文用颗粒轨道模型计算了进入水力旋流器的油滴颗粒运动轨迹,在此基础上,得出了水力旋流器的分离效率曲线。In addition , the trajectories of oil droplets entering the hydrocyclone were computed by using the particle obit model . thereby the separation efficiency of the hydrocyclone can be obtained.