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大多数城市都是人为的热和污染的源。Most cities are anthropogenic sources of heat and pollution.

但所有重大的风险都属于后一个范畴,是人为的。All the important risks fall into the latter category, they are anthropogenic.

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地表水-地下水的交错带主要受自然因素和人为因素的影响。The hyporheic zone is influenced by both natural processes and anthropogenic activities.

设备安装商也能有章可循,避免了各类的人为因素。Equipment installation contractors can also rule-based, avoid various anthropogenic factors.

有一些动物的绝种是由于自然的限制,有一些是因为人为的因素。Many such extinctions are due to natural forces, while others are due to anthropogenic factors.

人为元素在PM10中的相对含量明显高于TSP中的。The relative concentrations of anthropogenic metals in PM10 were clearly higher than those in TSP.

洞庭湖是由构造运动奠定基本格局,又叠加了江河作用以及人类活动的多因素的混成湖。Dongting basin was shaped not only by tectonic movement but also by potamic and anthropogenic influence.

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公约阐明的目标是为了避免对气候“危险的人为干扰”。The stated objective of the convention is to avoid "dangerous anthropogenic interference" with the climate.

杉木是低丘红壤地区人工植被建造的优良树种。Chinese fir is one of good tree species during establishing anthropogenic vegetations on red earth in low hills.

出气是“危险的人为变暖”的后果之一,哥本哈根首脑会议将试图阻止。Outgassing is one of the "dangerous anthropogenic warming" effects that the Copenhagen summit is trying to head off.

人为全球变暖理论背后的科学似乎在与每项新的科学研究分崩离析。The science behind the anthropogenic global warming theory appears to be falling apart with each new scientific study.

这些自然和人为的特点似乎能增加种群的局部瓶颈和灭绝的频率。Such natural and anthropogenic characteristics are likely to increase the frequency of local bottlenecks and extinctions.

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从蒙得极小期到现在气候变化太阳和人工影响的相对重要性。The relative importance of solar and anthropogenic forcing of climate change between the maunder minimum and the present.

从蒙得极小期到现在气候变化太阳和人工影响的相对重要性。The relative importance of solar and anthropogenic forcing of climate change between the maun der minimum and the present.

泸沽湖是云贵高原上一半封闭湖泊,湖区人为活动干扰较微弱,该湖对环境变化敏感。There is little anthropogenic interference, so its lacustrine sediment sensitively recorded the change of natural environment.

从沙尘气溶胶的研究中发现,沙尘暴主要是增加了地壳元素,人为元素增加相对较少。It is also shown that a dust-storm preferably increases the contents of crustal metals and has less impact on anthropogenic ones.

对土壤样品的统计分析结果表明,该农业土壤以粉土和细砂土为主。Indicated to the soil sample statistical analysis result, this anthropogenic soil is composed by silly soil and spun sand primarily.

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但报告中描述却正好相反,报告称现在“有充分的证据证明,可观测到的气候变暖中存在人为因素”。By contrast, the report notes that there is now "convincing evidence supporting the anthropogenic nature of observed climate warming".

签署于1992年的联合国气候变化条约向世界承诺要避免“人类对气候系统进行危险的干预”。The UN climate change treaty, signed in 1992, committed the world to avoiding "dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system".

人类活动导致环境中广泛存在各种有机锡化合物,因此,人体普遍暴露于这些污染物中。Due to the presence of various organotins from numerous anthropogenic sources, a widespread human exposure to these pollutants can be suggested.