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他又使陆地水土流失,变得千沟万壑。He made land soil erosion, became fragmented landform.

丹霞地貌是一种独特的地貌景观资源。Danxia landform is a kind of particular landform scenery.

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分布情况与实地的产量和地形地貌基本一致。The distribution was consistent with local yield and landform.

沟壑是黄土高原的基本地貌形态之一。Gully is one of the basic landform configuration in loess plateau.

丹霞山是世界丹霞地貌命名地。Danxia Mountain is the place where the naming the world landform was granted.

武陵源峰林是一种新被认识的峰林地貌类型。The Wulingyuan peak-forest is a newly recognized type of peak-forest landform.

沟壑特征是黄土高原地貌的主要特征。The characteristic of gully is the main landform characteristic ofloess plateau.

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本发明是一种人造溶洞及岩溶地貌制作工艺。This invention presents a making technique of artificial cavern and karst landform.

水下堆积地貌主要有水下三角洲及潮下浅滩。The landform of subaqueous sediments mainly have subaqueous delta and subtidalshoal.

乌尊硝段左旋走滑的断错地貌极为发育。Along the Wuzunxiao segment, the left lateral dislocation landform is well developed.

DEM模型能准确快速地反映区域的地形地貌特征,在低丘的治理中有着多层次的应用。DEM model can express the features of area landform and physiognomy fleetly and truly.

全市总面积10,918平方公里,地形以丘陵和盆地为主。Covering total area of10,918 square meter, it is based upon hills and basin in landform.

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继而给出了如斜坡、山、山脊、凹地、谷地、鞍部等基本地貌形态的数学定义。These mathematical definitions make basic landform shape concept of limit determine nat.

王二河水库位于贵州省安顺市境内,属于典型的喀斯特地貌。Wang-er-he Reservoir locates in Anshun, Guizhou Province, where landform is karsts type.

战场地形信息基于数字摄影测量快速获取。The quickly achieving battlefield landform information is based on digital Photogrammetry.

由此构造活动形成的地貌和河流阶地的类型极其复杂。The landform and stream terrance formed by above mentioned activities are extremely complex.

境内地形地貌复杂,居住人口稠密,是地质灾害多发地区。Here, the landform is complex, the population is dense and geologic disasters occur frequently.

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因此认为对于在不利地形条件下工作的结构应进行必要的风动力分析。Therefore dynamic analysis are necessary for structures working in the disadvantageous landform.

考虑新进纪以来全球气候变化,分析了岩石地貌的多代性。The granite landform exhibits multi-generation, coming from the climate change since the Neogene.

大跨度高墩T构桥正是适应这种地形的一种很好的桥型结构。Long span high-pier T-shape bridge is just a good bridge pattern to adapt to this kind of landform.