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他问她要一份冰淇淋圣代冰淇凌苏打专柜。He asked her to the soda shoppe for an ice cream sundae.

有些人为了来一趟“药剂师专柜”要开八十英里的车。Some people drive eighty miles just to visit the Apothecary Shoppe.

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后来,他们在纽克拉定居并开了“药剂师专柜”。eventually, they settled in Nucla and opened the Apothecary Shoppe.

安利芙蓉专卖店是第一所安利专卖店在马来西亚开放!Amway Shoppe at Seremban 2, the First Amway open shoppe in Malaysia!

唐.克尔克特在纽克拉经营一家叫“药剂师专柜”的药店已经三十多年了。Don Colcord has owned Nucla’s Apothecary Shoppe for more than thirty years.

需要在本站转乘飞机到其他地方的旅客请到候机室中专柜办理。Passenger Who Change Flight From Our Stantion, Pls Go Through Formalities At The Shoppe.

继去年写下的佳绩后,安丽第5间专卖店已来到民都鲁。Following the success of last year, the first five Amway shoppe have come to Bintulu now.

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某天早晨,一个年轻女人来到“药剂师专柜”,她拘留所里关了一个周末。One morning, a young woman arrives at the Apothecary Shoppe after spending the weekend in jail.

上周,我感到非常兴奋,收到邀请函去安利专卖店在民都鲁的开启仪式。Last week, I'm very exciting to receive an invitation to open ceremony of Amway shoppe at Bintulu.

我试好几种不同的鳕鱼肝油产品,这个是最好的口味的。I have tried others, including the Vitamin Shoppe product. The Carlson Cod Liver Oil is clearly the best.

现在我们有一个回灌专柜标识的设计工作于移动充值基本上交易。Right now we are having a job of logo design for Recharge Shoppe which basically deals in Mobile recharge.

布瑞克先生从没有过股票经纪人——对他来说,他们和医生一样不值得信任——所以他到“药剂师专柜”去求助。Mr.Brick had never used a broker—to him, they were just as untrustworthy as doctors—so he went to the Apothecary Shoppe for help.

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兰蔻以优美的品牌形象专柜以及专业、亲切的销售一条龙服务赢得了消费者良好的口碑。Lancme has won the recognition in Chinese consumers with its brand visualized shoppe and the professional, kindness sale services.

因此,该店已将上海三问的产品进行专柜陈列,使其能进一步宣传世博会的精神和理念。Therefore, this store has already displayed Sunwin's products in the shoppe in order to furtherly convey the spirit and concept of the Expo.

为了让珠宝首饰的陈列管理更富有成效,阐述了对柜台中首饰的最佳摆放数量、品种、款式及比例的相关研究成果。In order to make the shoppe jewelry displaying more effective, the paper discusses the best displaying amount, species, types and its ratio and the relevant researches.