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浮石认为自己既是始作俑者,也是受害者。Mr. Fu sees himself as both perpetrator and victim.

而且社会的几乎所有部门都有责任。And almost every sector of society is a perpetrator.

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你就不怕被当做肇事者扔进班房吗?Aren't you afraid of being put into jail as the perpetrator?

我们一定会全力以赴抓获肇事凶手并依法严惩。We must catch the perpetrator and put him in the care of the law.

生物武器也是一样,很难追踪到肇事者,这都是广为人知的。bioweapons, too, are famously difficult to trace back to a perpetrator.

在气候危机中,中国可以被视为“作恶者”也可以被视为“受害者”。In the climate crisis, China can be seen as both perpetrator and victim.

作恶者被追踪到德国,一年以后,在那接受审判。The perpetrator was tracked to Germany, where he was sentenced a year later.

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不要憎恨作恶者,最终你将会高屋建瓴。Let the perpetrator free from of your enmity and ultimately you will be on top.

原谅犯事者并不代表你已经停止裁定这件事。Forgiving the perpetrator for his action does not mean you stop judging the deed.

像许多前叛军,福迪阿利厄既是受害者和战争罪行的肇事者。Like many former rebels, Foday Allieu is both victim and perpetrator of war crimes.

安全部门须尽可能多地获得作施暴者的信息。Security must obtain and report as much information possible about the perpetrator.

这一部分主要是介绍共谋共同正犯的一些基本理论。This is the main part of complicity on some of the basic common perpetrator theory.

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其中一个围观者可能是犯罪者或证人的该事件。One of the onlookers may be the perpetrator of the crime or witness to the incident.

加害者会经历到某种形式的依赖或无能为力。To teach this, the perpetrator may experience dependency or powerlessness in some form.

然而,对婴儿造成严重的伤害以及婴幼儿的死亡,更有可能是由男性行为人造成的。Severe injuries and infant death, however, are more likely caused by a male perpetrator.

这暴行给隐瞒了。那犯罪的军官是麦卡弗里中校,一九五四年死去。The atrocity was hushed up, and the perpetrator of the crime, Lieutenant Colonel McCaffrey, died in 1954.

诉讼指控犯罪者受到他对这个饱受争议的视频游戏的沉迷的刺激。The lawsuit alleges that the perpetrator was inspired by his obsession with the controversial video game.

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目击者声称罪犯大笑着越过了九英尺高的强,躲过了人们的追踪。Witnesses reported that the perpetrator escaped by bounding over a nine-foot wall and laughing all the way.

她诉说了自己的经历,还说她只想见见那个曾伤害过自己的人,告诉他自己宽恕了他,也请他宽恕她。She told her story, saying that she only wanted to meet the perpetrator to forgive him and to ask him to forgive her.

一个哀悼者在佳乃的葬礼上毫不关心的说,“如果凶手是个大学生那还值得些同情。At the funeral for Yoshino, a careless mourner comments, ‘If the perpetrator was a college kid, that’s some consolation.