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肯尼亚发生了牛瘟。Rinderpest took place in Kenya.

世界上某些地区逃脱了牛瘟感染。Some areas of the world escaped rinderpest.

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专家相信,牛瘟最初来自亚洲。Experts believe rinderpest first came from Asia.

一剂这种疫苗就可以保护动物不感染牛瘟。A single dose of it could protect animals against rinderpest.

牛瘟仅仅是宣布被消除的第二种疾病。Rinderpest is only the second disease ever declared to have been eliminated.

牛瘟可以通过空气和被含有病毒的动物粪便污染了的水来传播。Rinderpest can spread quickly through the air and in water containing waste from animals with the virus.

牛瘟只是第二种曾被宣布已经消除的疾病,另一个是天花。Rinderpest is only the second disease ever declared to have been eliminated. The other disease is smallpox.

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牛瘟成为在人类历史上第二个被成功地消灭疾病,继天花之后。Rinderpest becomes the second disease in all of human history to be successfully eradicated, after smallpox.

这种方法此前曾被用于防控非洲和亚洲的牛瘟,以及南美洲的猪瘟。The method has previously been used to fight rinderpest in Africa and Asia and hog cholera in South America.

如今,牛瘟专家约翰·安德森称该疾病的终结为“兽医史最大成就”。Now, rinderpest expert John Anderson calls the end of the disease "the biggest achievement in veterinary history".

全球根除牛瘟计划依据根除牛瘟是可行的科学认识。The launching of GREP was founded on the scientific understanding that the eradication of rinderpest was feasible.

然而数千年来,牛瘟使牛及其他牲畜死亡,引起饥荒,已经影响到人类。Yet for thousands of years rinderpest has affected people by killing cattle and other animals and causing starvation.

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世界上某些地区逃脱了牛瘟感染。这可能是由于严格禁止进口患病动物的政策。Some areas of the world escaped rinderpest. This was probably because of careful efforts to prevent the import of sick animals.

生物技术还在提供有价值的诊断工具和疫苗,可以帮助防治诸如牛瘟等毁灭性的畜病。Biotechnology is also producing valuable diagnostic tools and vaccines that help control devastating animal diseases like rinderpest.

他领导了一种名为TCRV疫苗的研制,其一个剂量可以保护动物免受牛瘟侵袭,粮食产量也增加了。He led the development of a vaccine called TCRV. A single dose of it could protect animals against rinderpest. Food production increased.

专家们认为牛瘟起源于亚洲。在德国该名称意为“牛瘟疫”,直到十九世纪该疾病在欧洲很常见。Experts believe rinderpest first came from Asia. The name means "cattle plague" in German. The disease was common in Europe until the nineteenth century.

而联合国粮食农业组织则宣布野外对抗牛瘟运动已近尾声,雅克·迪尔夫是粮农组织的负责人。But the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has announced it is ending field operations against rinderpest. Jacques Diouf is head of the FAO.

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1920年,由于从印度往巴西运送瘤牛途经安特卫普港,在比利时意外引发牛瘟。In 1920, rinderpest occurred unexpectedly in Belgium, as a result of zebus, originating from India and destined for Brazil, transiting via the port of Antwerp.

免疫接种作为具有成本效益的措施而被广泛用于传染病控制,即将根除的牛瘟就是一个具体例证。Vaccination has been widely used as a cost-effective measure to control infectious diseases, as exemplified by the soon-to-be-confirmed eradication of rinderpest.

随后,它促进采取行动,把牛瘟控制在受影响的生态系统中,根据流行病学和疫情侦察开展防治计划,消除传染宿主。Later, it promoted actions to contain rinderpest within the infected eco-systems, and to eliminate reservoirs of infection through epidemiologically and intelligence-based control programmes.