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孩子是无辜的。Kids are innocent.

他们是无辜的。They are innocent.

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但他还是天真的。But he is innocent.

杂洁的一圆是好好的。Innocent mischief is good.

陪审团裁定他无罪。The jury found him innocent.

我坚持认为他是无罪的。I insist that he is innocent.

他们说自己是无辜的。They said they were innocent.

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罗森博格是无罪的吗?Were the Rosenbergs innocent?

纯洁的心田贮满爱的琼浆。A heart whose love in innocent.

所有这一切是否纯真祝福?And all these innocent blisses?

还有比这更无邪的吗?What's more innocent than that?

他坚称自己无罪。He averred that he was innocent.

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不过就目前来看,你是无辜的。For now though, you are innocent.

她是清白的,相信我的话,准没错。Take my word that she is innocent.

可怜的拉埃尔姆,她多么天真!How innocent that poor la Herme is!

她大声呼喊她是无辜的。She exclaimed that she was innocent.

我至今仍然记得它的天真无邪。How innocent it was, I well remember.

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我认为他是无罪的。I believe he's innocent of the crime.

马白夫先生有些天真的乐趣。M. Mabeuf had his innocent pleasures.

其中大多数显然是无辜的。Most of them were obviously innocent.