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25名索马里穆斯林因工间祈祷时未打卡被开除Hertz fires 25 Somali Muslims for not clocking out to pray

那时候的我,有点像一个工作狂,一周至少工作六十小时。At the time, I was somewhat of a workaholic, clocking in sixty-hour weeks.

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他只顾目不转睛地盯着她,竟把一杯啤酒洒在桌布上。He was so busy clocking her that he spilt a glass of beer over the table-cloth.

刘翔在那两次比赛中都跑地很快,在比赛中他跑出了13秒07和13秒的成绩。Liu raced well at both meets, clocking in at 13.07 and 13 seconds at the events.

该晶体振荡器的时钟可用于微控制器的时钟。The clock of the crystal oscillator can be used for clocking the microcontroller.

时序效应具有改进多级叶轮机效率的潜力。Clocking effect has great potential in improving the efficiency of turbomachinery.

饭店的侍者目不转睛地盯著他看,不小心把一瓶威士忌泼在桌布上。The waiter was so busy clocking him that he spilt a bottle of whisky over the table-cloth.

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利用不规则钟控方法设计密钥流生成器是目前流行的设计趋势之一。One of the current trends of designs in key stream generators is to use irregular clocking.

一只飞翔的布谷鸟,飞越数千英里,完成从英格兰到非洲的慢慢旅程。A cuckoo in flight, clocking up thousands of miles to complete the long journey from England to Africa.

世界纪录保持者古巴的萝卜丝以13.39的成绩成功的进入了下一轮。World record holder Dayron Robles of Cuba earlier breezed through to the next round, clocking 13.39 seconds.

为了实现这一目标,Txtr是由飞思卡尔ARM11的散热效率的时钟处理器在532MHz。In order to achieve this, Txtr is powered by thermally efficient Freescale ARM11 processor clocking at 532MHz.

虽然非常强劲,但周二的耀斑实际上是四个速射X耀斑中最弱的,标定为X1.2。While incredibly powerful, Tuesday's flareactually was the weakest of the four rapid-fire X flares, clocking in at X1.2.

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通过数值模拟研究了叶排间轴向间距对1.5级涡轮叶栅时序效应的影响。A 2D numerical investigation is conducted about the effects of axial gaps on the clocking effects in a 1.5 stage turbine.

传统的网元时钟电路由模拟锁相外加软件或微处理机来实现。The traditional NEs clocking approach is based on the analog PLLs under the control by some software and microprocessors.

三维时序定位本文尝试改变第二级静叶前缘线的形状,以期达到最大化时序效应。In 3D condition, we try to change the performance of second stator's leading edge to make the best use of clocking effect.

我们可以就此断言,不论波音如何对老态龙钟的737型飞机进行翻新,在逆向应力的作用下,飞机机身的寿命都是有限的。No matter what Boeing does to rectify its aging 737s, their airframes are clocking up stress reversals that can never be expunged.

19日晚,在奥运会110米栏第二轮的争夺中,世界纪录创造者古巴人罗伯斯毫无悬念地以13秒19组第一晋级半决赛。World record holder Dayron Robles breezed through the 2nd round of the men's 110 meters hurdles Tuesday night clocking 13.19 seconds.

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他和赫尔南德斯制造了不少威胁,对方在他们身上吃了黄牌,我们的进球是必然的。He and Chicharito were causing problems and with Galati clocking up yellow cards, it was inevitable we would penetrate closer to the goal.

与其按部就班地度过枯燥的懒散时间,库比卡选择了利用圣诞假期组建自己的卡丁车车队。Rather than just clocking in some serious sun lounger time, Robert Kubica puts his winter break to good use founding his own karting team.

有三十七个国家的捐款人通过WePay给占领运动汇款,芬兰相对于总人口的捐款率是全世界最高的。Thirty-seven countries have given money to the Occupy movement through WePay, with Finland clocking the highest number of donations per capita.