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她用消毒剂浸洗伤口。She bathed the cut with antiseptic.

护士用抗菌剂涂擦伤口。The nurse painted the wind antiseptic.

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他用消毒剂冲了房间。He swilled his room out with antiseptic.

它也是肥皂中的一种杀菌成分。In soap, it works as another antiseptic.

他用杀菌剂漱口。He swilled his mouth out with antiseptic.

毛茛愈合和充当防腐剂。Goldenseal heals and acts as an antiseptic.

护士用抗菌剂涂擦伤口。The nurse painted the wind with antiseptic.

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蒸食,发酵,杀菌皆可.。For steamed food, fermentation, and antiseptic.

具有防腐剂和收敛剂的特性。It is antiseptic and has astringent properties.

她用海绵将泼出的牛奶吸乾了。The nurse sponged the wound with an antiseptic.

据说牛至有杀菌的特性。It's said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities.

羟苯乙酯在荧光素钠滴眼剂中的防腐良好。Ethylparaben is a good antiseptic in fluorescein sodium eyedrop.

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铁轨下面垫着的木枕都是经过防腐处理的。Sleepers under rail are all processed through antiseptic treatment.

杀菌剂被用于正在注射前给皮肤消毒。Antiseptic is used to sterilize the skin before giving an injection.

一种淡黄色晶状碘化合物,CHI3,用作抗感染剂。A yellowish crystalline iodine compound, CHI3, used as an antiseptic.

脓包一破溃,就应该用消毒液清洗。Once an abscess has burst it should be bathed with antiseptic liquid.

山梨酸是一种新型的食品防腐保鲜剂。Sorbic acid is a new type of antiseptic and freshening agent for food.

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用于外敷,它能够愈合,清洁并有消毒作用。Used in bath water, it relieves rheumatalgia and has antiseptic action.

她从一家洗染商店买了洗洁精和消毒剂。She bought some detergent and antiseptic from a dyeing and cleansing store.

醇香薰浴身体皮肤的防腐工程产品。Alcohols in aromatherapy bath body product works as antiseptic for the skin.