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在旁人的朋友面前说一些瞧不起他的话。Speaking disparagingly of people in front of their friends.

因此我们或许会对自己的容貌自惭形秽,可是依旧不愿以自己的容貌跟别人交换。Hence we may speak disparagingly of our looks and still not want to change our face for another.

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以上包括不可诋毁犹太同胞或外邦人。This prohibition forbids speaking or acting in a disparagingly way toward a fellow Jew or non-Jew.

任何人来到世上都有一个妈,——男人要是意识到这一点,就不会对女人出言不敬。No man can speak disparagingly of woman if he realizes that no one has come into world without a mother.

他的文字中透着对贝尼特·墨索里尼的崇敬和对美国民权运动的轻蔑。He wrote admiringly of Benito Mussolini’s suppression of Communists in Italy, and disparagingly of the American civil-rights movement.

当他问她怎么了时,她回答说她听哈芙赛轻蔑地说她是‘一个犹太人的女儿’。When he asked her what the matter was, she replied that she heard that Hafsahh had disparagingly described her as 'the daughter of a Jew'.

这位太平洋投资管理公司的老板坚定的认为,无论是财政刺激还是定量宽松,都将改变在其口中不值一提的“新标准”。The Pimco boss is adamant that neither fiscal stimulus nor quantitative easing will help alter what he disparagingly calls "the new normal."

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尽管苹果不削的口吻称呼其它行动电话为“微型塑料键盘”,然后它们却多比触摸屏更值得信赖。Despite what Apple disparagingly called "small plastic keyboards" on other mobiles , they're way more likely to work reliably than a touch-screen.

要求涨工资时,绝不要语意轻蔑或者把自己与其他员工进行对比,也不应威胁对方,如果不加薪就走人。Never speak disparagingly or compare yourself to another employee when seeking a raise, nor should you threaten to leave if you don't get more money.

诚然,有些外国人在谈及中国文化传承中的“缺陷基因”时,一脸鄙夷。Yes, some foreigners disparagingly talk about China's flawed "cultural DNA," bequeathed to it, apparently, by a hierarchy-loving, conformity-prizing "Confucian" heritage.

洲汽车根本不允许上路,因为,人们认为这种车在高速路上容易出危险。Japanese cars are disparagingly referred to as 'rice rockets' or 'econoboxes'. Small European cars are not permitted on road at all because they are a hazard on the high-ways.

早期乐手对爵士女声抱有很大偏见,他们蔑称这些女性歌手为“金丝雀”——很上镜,但有些时候在音乐上根本没有受过训练。Earlier generations of players, annoyed that photogenic but sometimes musically illiterate vocalists were getting the attention, would refer disparagingly to female singers as "canaries".