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昨天我钓了一条黑鱼。Yesterday I caught a mullet.

昨天我钓了一条黑鱼。Yesterday I caught a mullet.

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我指给他看,鲻鱼在什么地方回旋。I showed him where the mullet swirled.

渔民在近海围捕乌鱼。Fishermen caught grey mullet near the inshore area.

渔民在近海围捕乌鱼。Fishermen catching grey mullet near the inshore area.

从美国流行开来的最糟糕的事情之一便莫过于胭脂鱼发型了。One of the worst things to ever come out of the U. S. has to be the mullet.

她是学校的啦啦队长而且有丰富的性经验。Muffler is a cheerleader-magnet with loads of sexual experience under her mullet.

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您的头型很好看,所以我会建议您理个平头。这种发型很短、很时髦。If you want to look hip, you need to lose the mullet. I suggest a faux hawk instead.

我有一支芦苇笛,每当我吹起它,鲻鱼便会从四面八方游来这海湾。I have a little reed-pipe, and when I blow on it the mullet come sailing into the bay.

通过对梭幼鱼各项温度基准值的测定,研究了电厂冷却水对梭幼鱼的热效应。The title study was carried out by measuring various critical temperatures for young mullet.

当E3的参观者还没有想到去哪搞一盘很有品的新鲜鲻鱼,他们酒杯GT的大堆游戏引诱了过去。When E3-goers weren't wondering where to get a sassy new mullet they savored GT's lineup of games.

如用较稀的米汤、面汤直接清洗,或用乌鱼骨清洗,效果也不错。If using a more dilute rice soup, soup directly cleaning, or mullet bones clean, with good results.

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鲻鱼甲状腺滤泡分散分布于前鳃区腹主动脉周围的结缔组织中。The thyroid gland of grey mullet is dispersedly distributed in the region of anterior branchial arch.

如果你是一个摇滚歌手,意味著要避开一些明显的易犯的错误,例如一种前面和两旁都很短,但后面很长的发型。Which if you're a singer in a rock band, means avoiding the obvious pitfalls like say a mullet hairdo.

在一个废弃的码头,我们还看到了一条足有非洲女王号两倍大的古代蒸汽船,一只老旧的梭鱼船则停靠在它的旁边。At a dilapidated wharf an old mullet boat is moored alongside an ancient steamer that could double for the African Queen.

正巧,到了它该变成鱼的时候了,转眼间,它变成了一条红鲤鱼,消失在海水中。But the hour arrived when it had to change into a fish, and suddenly it became a red mullet and disappeared into the sea.

打狗的乌金-乌鱼子,在17世纪初期,驰名中外,开启了与世界接轨的起点。In the early 17th century, mullet roe, famous as the "black gold" of Kaohsiung, first connected this city with the world.

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本文报导了在半咸水池塘中梭鱼仔幼鱼的摄食习性。Results on feeding habits of mullet fry in brackish water ponds applied withmunures for producing natural feed is obtaind.

虽然我真的是沿着模型细微的颜色一致,我不知道,一个鲻鱼是这样一个伟大的选择,这些天。While I really agreed about the color around the model's hairline, I am not sure that a Mullet is such a great choice these days.

这是一座像乌鱼一样的房屋,法国植物艺术家帕特里克布兰科用植物覆盖其墙壁,后面可进行自由聚会。This is like the mullet of houses, with a plant-covered wall by French botanical artist Patrick Blanc providing the untamed party in the back.