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它吞到了我的大腿。It's up to my thigh.

她摸你的大腿了吗?Did she touch your thigh?

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一颗子弹擦伤了他的大腿。A bullet grazed his thigh.

大腿却不能随意束紧的。But not at liberty to tighten the thigh.

他的大腿被斧头砍伤及骨头。His thigh had been axed open to the bone.

降支股前外侧皮瓣。Skin flap of anterolateral region of thigh.

鲜血流淌,染红了她的大腿。The blood ran away and empurpled her thigh.

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他无聊地用手杖敲击自己的大腿。He thwacked his cane idly against his thigh.

我吃一个汉堡佨,一个炸鸡腿。I had a hamburger and a fried chicken thigh?

人类的大腿骨比水泥还坚固?。Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.

既然你有像婴儿大腿一样白的糖果…Lf you have taffy white as a baby ' s thigh..

她身穿一条开叉开到了大腿的白色连衣裙。She was wearing a white dress slit to the thigh.

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同时测量大腿、小腿的周长。Shank and thigh circumferences were also measured.

世界之大,时尚莫过露大腿。The world's great fashion source is exposed thigh.

在她脱掉他开始中风她的大腿上。After she has disrobed he begins to stroke her thigh.

我可以只要鸡大腿的炸鸡吗?Can I have the fried chicken with chicken thigh only?

纳达尔从头承受拜候,说他年夜腿抽筋了。Nadal returned to announce he felt cramp in his thigh.

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腹直肌使躯干向大腿方向。The rectus abdominus bends the trunk toward the thigh.

海伍德由于左腿插伤离场。Brendan Haywood had gone out with a bruised left thigh.

她们三个鼓起掌,伊萨贝尔拍拍她臀部。The three of them applauded, Isabel clapping her thigh.