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李孝利笑著说。Lee Hyo Ri said laughingly.

笑谈渴饮匈奴血。Laughingly drink the Tartars' blood.

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有些母亲可能会笑着认同此说。Some mothers might laughingly agree.

她笑着用鞋尖轻轻踢了他一下。She laughingly gave him a tap with the toe of her shoe.

好的,这就是被戏称为我的公寓的地方。Well, this is what is laughingly known as my apartment.

猪小弟还是笑哈哈瞌睡在他的皮革外套里。Only no. 12 little piggy laughingly snoozed in his leather jacket.

他说他会问那个金发女服务员一道积分题,第一位笑着答应了。He says he will ask the blonde waitress an integral, and the first laughingly agrees.

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斯马特尔斯则笑着说,在酒吧里学习可以让科学变得不再那么神秘。Smothers laughingly says being at a bar helps the science go down a little more easily.

伊丽莎白本不想跟他们待在一起,一听这话,便笑嘻嘻地说But Elizabeth, who had not the least inclination to remain with them, laughingly answered

地球层面只不过是你累次去旅行到访的一个地方,天使们笑着这样告诉你。The Earth Plane is just a place you visit from time to time the Angels laughingly tell you.

我许了一个最大的愿,我笑着对自己说最大的愿都是不能实现的愿。I wade one of the largest may, I laughingly saying to myself that the largest may can't achieve.

此外那个说明字幕也是难以理解和随意可笑的。On top of this are subtitles that are incomprehensible at times and laughingly informal at others.

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加斯顿双手捧起妻子美丽的脸,温和且满带笑意地凝视她焦虑的双眼。Gaston took his wife's pretty face between his hands and looked tenderly and laughingly into her troubled eyes.

“假如您向对面望一望,”男爵夫人带笑指了指那个美丽的希腊女人说道,“您就可以充分得到相反的证据啦。”"You have ample proof to the contrary, if you look opposite, " said the baroness, as she laughingly pointed to the beautiful Greek.

她笑着说,如果这个温度,在中国我们还传大衣呢,而美国人都穿短袖了。She laughingly related at the same temperature, people in China would be wearing long coats and people in Minnesota are wearing shorts.

“哦,我忘了,”他总这样回答,或者装得额头上的皱纹看不出来,或者笑说自己恐怕不久就要秃顶了。"Oh, I forgot, " he would answer, or he would cause the wrinkles to disappear, or laughingly predict that he would soon be getting bald if he wasn't so now.

阳光铺在刻有有“云霄实验小学”的铜牌上,又把柔和的阳光反射到我们身上,我们笑盈盈地接受了这份光芒,朝气蓬勃地迈进校园。Sunshine shop on the bronze medal engraved with "roller experimental school", and the soft sunlight to us, we accepted this light, laughingly vigor into the campus.

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有时穷街陋巷里的回声和迷雾让人联想起这部小说,但是如今,所谓的‘发展’多少已经将这座城市剩下的掩埋了。Sometimes you get echoes and mists in the back streets off the Liffey that remind you of the book, but what we laughingly call 'progress' has more or less erased the rest.

我相信声誉和赞扬、影响和权力。成功和失败、现实和幻想都好像是精密地编织在一匹光洁无缝的织品之中,即我们称之为现实的东西。I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow nearly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality.

我相信名誉和声望、影响和权力、成功与失败,现实和幻想都以某种方法整齐地编织在山张无缝隙的织缎中,即我们所笑称的现实。I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality.