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那幽静的剑河。The peaceful River Cam.

人水相和,水顺民安。Water the people is peaceful.

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这可以让你的通往圆满之路更加顺畅,也让你的死亡更加平安。and your death more peaceful.

她渴望过平静的生活。She repined for a peaceful life.

妒嫉致敬和平艺。To peaceful arts shall envy bow.

现在搞和平抗议有个屁用!What price peaceful protest now?

看够了湖,给我城市。Enough peaceful lake, gimme city.

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他找不到安息之所。He finds no peaceful Burial-Place.

乐无太,平和者是也。Le-free too, who is also peaceful.

斯凯格内斯是个多么宁静的地方!What a peaceful place is Skegness!

幸福的生活存在于心绪的宁静之中。Happy life lies in a peaceful mind.

香提醒人平和。Incense reminds one to be peaceful.

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现在,沉沉的安静的好好休息吧。Now, take a deep and peaceful rest.

一一和平发展是旗帜。Peaceful development is the banner.

塔莎看到的都是比较安宁的画面。Tasha saw the more peaceful images.

我钟爱你的目光,将我的心轻触。How I love your peaceful eyes on me!

我急速地赶向安宁之地。I hasten to go to the peaceful spot.

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我在宁静的宇宙飞船里踱步.I paced in the peaceful spacecraft.

太平世界,同此凉热”。Peaceful world, with the cool hot"."

鸟儿和羊群也在安睡。So peaceful the birds and the sheep.