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太多的水草可能会使鱼窒息。Too much duckweed is likely to choke the fish.

您一定在水箱内放了过多的水草。You must have put too much duckweed in the tank.

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我又似那平静湖面上青翠的浮萍。Emerald duckweed floats on the placid surface lf lake.

就像那本无根的浮萍,漂浮之后终归大海。Like the rootless duckweed , after floating and then joined to the sea.

我如无根的浮萍,在尘世的方塘里游戏着人生。I am like the uprooted duckweed playing my life in the mortal life pool.

湖泊里生长着不少红萍,形成了一道独特的风景。There is a lot of red duckweed growing in the lake, causing a unique scene.

青萍对氨氮的吸收利用能力高于对硝态氮的吸收利用能力。The absorption capability to ammonia of duckweed is stronger than to nitrate.

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水藻从污水中获取养分,造成鱼类的死亡,其面积能在24小时中翻倍。The duckweed feeds on sewage, kills fish, and can double in size in 24 hours.

一名男孩在中国浙江省的一条长满浮萍的江中戏水乘凉。A boy cools off in a river covered with duckweed in China's Zhejiang Province.

翠鸟象箭似的由水面上擦过去,小鱼大鱼都不见了,水上只剩下浮萍。A kingfisher flashed across the water, the fish vanished, leaving the duckweed.

胖闺女上门挑战,一场混战中,白玉萍小产了。Fat daughter comes to challenge, in a battle royal, miscarriage of white jade duckweed.

浮萍种群增长能力极强,主要通过生物量的增长实现对氮磷营养的吸收去除。Duckweed population grows rapidly and removes the nutrients mainly by biomass increasing.

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在这绿色沼泽的世界里,水中的浮萍像银河系一般在缓缓流动的水中转动着。In the green firmament of a slough, galaxies of duckweed are stirred by slow moving waters.

水中的浮萍无根草,有一个拼命挣扎的心。去寻找属于自己的那片天地。The duckweed in the water without a blade of grass, a struggling heart. To find belongs to own that piece of heaven and earth.

云已风吹散尽,而记忆早已如浮萍深深跌落于那大海深处。Wind clouds had been dissipated, and the memories of long ago, such as duckweed and that the sea in the depths of a deep fall.

为谋取生计,倪萍饰演的牛丰收在上海替人看孩子、管家务。For seek bread, the bovine bumper harvest of Ni duckweed personate sees Wu of the child, chamberlain for the person in Shanghai.

谷雨后降雨量增多,浮萍开始生长,接着布谷鸟便开始提醒人们播种了。Rainfall increased since this solar term, greatly benefit for growing of duckweed and cereal crops, cuckoos remind people to seed.

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正当雪鹭对刚刚夺取的捕鱼领地沾沾自喜时,潜伏在浮萍下面从后面出其不意地发起了攻击。The alligator had been lurking beneath the duckweed and while the snowy egret was still enjoying his newly won fishing location, it reared up.

如果以这种水孵育绿豆芽、养殖浮萍,得到的结果差不多,五天内植物就会枯死。If you use these water to raise green bean sprouts, or duckweed aquaculture the results will be similar. With in five days the plants will die.

一种社会制度设计即使再高妙,如果掘弃了民族文化之根脉,必将如浮萍般飘来荡去无处可依。Design of a social system, even if ingenious, if abandoned dug roots of the culture, such as duckweed will be floated as plaster can go nowhere.