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在俄罗斯的目的地城市将会是车里雅宾斯克。The destination city in Russia will be Chelyabinsk.

这些奇怪的生物都是在俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克市的一个废弃矿坑被发现。These weird creatures were found in an abandoned foundation pit in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk.

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上海合作组织成员国联合反恐军事演习实兵演练在俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克举行。SCO member states joint anti-terror military exercise in Russia military exercise held in Chelyabinsk.

今年2500名耕种在车里雅宾斯克地区的中国农民收获了8万多吨的大棚蔬菜。This year the 2500 Chinese people farming in the Chelyabinsk region produced over 80 thousand tons of greenhouse vegetables!

今年2500名耕种在车里雅宾斯克地区的中国农民收获了8万多吨的大棚蔬菜。This year the 2500 Chinese people farming in the Chelyabinsk region, produced over 80 thousand tons of greenhouse vegetables!

此后不久,他以非常接近的比分输给了一个从车里雅宾斯克来的拳手,再次无缘国家队。Soon afterward, he lost a split decision to a fighter from Chelyabinsk and once again failed to qualify for the national team.

日前,俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克州一名网友抓拍到了两只蜻蜓交配的奇妙景象,并把照片传到了网上。A few days ago , a net friend in Chelyabinsk Region of Russia shot the picture of two mating dragonflies, and uploaded it to the internet.

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俄罗斯官员称,地处乌拉尔山脉的车里雅宾斯克城发生有毒化学物泄露事故,至少30人被送往医院治疗。At least 30 people have been taken to hospital after a toxic chemical leak in the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia's Ural mountains, say officials.

相关部门说,很多受害者窒息或被挤在俱乐部唯一的出口。130名在火灾中受伤的人员,其中将近100人已经被送往俄罗斯高级医院。Nearly 100 of the over 130 people injured in the fire were sent to Russia's top hospitals in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk in the Urals.

事故发生在莫斯科时间17时许,两列运煤火车在车里雅宾斯克州巴什基尔区相撞后共导致71节车厢脱轨,2人在事故中死亡。The accident occurred at 17 am Moscow time, two coal trains in the Chelyabinsk region after the collision Bashkir caused a total of 71 cars derailed and two people died in the accident.

有人抱怨中国农民在俄罗斯并不纳税,但也有人对中国农民的耕种表示赞赏,毕竟这些活儿都是车里雅宾斯克本地人并不愿意干的。They also grumble that the Chinese do not pay taxes. Others, however, agree that the Chinese do good for the region because they cultivate the land residents of Chelyabinsk don't want to.