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记录并转录会议纪要。Record and transcribe minutes of meetings.

我们都努力抄写这些信息。We are working to transcribe both of these messages.

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在网上,您可以了解如何在各种在线抄写学校。On the web, you can learn how to transcribe at various online schools.

对,我很高兴我在这儿,我已准备好转录讯息。Okay, I am very glad to be here and I am ready to transcribe this message.

助教帮我记笔记,并在考试或测验的时候帮我抄写。The EAs write my notes and transcribe for me if I'm doing tests or quizzes.

为什么年轻的莫扎特有听一次演奏会就会抄写出整个乐章的特殊才能呢?What about young Mozart's famous ability to transcribe entire scores on a single hearing?

尽管如此,Firesay还是可以识别语音指令进行网络搜索。Though the add-on is able to recognize and transcribe voice commands for its Web search feature.

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翻译成商务英语,谢你啊!现在的科技发展可以让我们随时录制和复制声音了。The present technical development might let us transcribe and the duplication sound as necessary.

我找到一家网吧,连上我的笔记本电脑,整理出今天获得的要点。I find an internet cafe where I can hook up my laptop, and transcribe some of the notes I have from that day.

简单介绍了商城县高压电抄表计费系统的开发过程及原理。Brief the exploitation and principle of the high tension transcribe cost counting system of Shangcheng County.

他们对我说将听磁带和转录只拼接我的感觉就会进入书中。They said that I was to listen to the tapes and transcribe only the pieces that I felt would go into the book.

Hart提到,他们花了将近10年的时间才编辑好这些录音磁带,使之可以存入电脑进行分析。Hart says it took close to 10 years to transcribe these tapes so they could be fed into a computer for analysis.

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也许除了中提琴声部外,大多数乐章可以直接演奏,而且也不需要太大的改编工作。Most of the parts are playable directly, except perhaps for the viola clef, but even that is no great job to transcribe.

我们不能说书写比演讲产生得更晚,是为了复制,模仿,或者是记录下演讲的内容。We cannot say writing came into being belatedly with respect to speech in order to reproduce, imitate, or transcribe speech.

爱是人类最纯粹的情感,浓浓的爱意是很难用只字片语表达的。After all, love is an emotion, and it can be extremely difficult to accurately transcribe your emotions into a meaningful set of words.

结论预先服用维生素E可以提高梗阻后SERCA2基因转录和表达水平,可能是保护膀胱功能的机制之一。Conclusions Giving vitamin E beforehand can up-regulate SERCA2 gene transcribe and expression, it may be one way to preserve bladder function.

此题跋是记赵孟頫发愿抄经的原因,是为了期望能招福、修道、成就佛菩萨。The envoi depicts the reasons Mengfu made a wish to transcribe Buddhist scriptures were to call for happiness and gave devotions to the Buddha.

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考虑到我们可能会越来越少地接触到这个白色幽灵的采访内容,我认为我应该把其中的资料发掘一下并转述出来。Considering that we are likely to see less and less interviews with this white spectre I thought it fitting to dig this one up and transcribe it.

线粒体功能不良的测定,是通过计算当他们转录自身DNA密码到生成必须物质,如蛋白,发生错误的数量。Mitochondrial dysfunction is measured by counting the number of mistakes they make when they transcribe their DNA code to make essential materials like proteins.

从小学时期开始,中国的学生常常学习一些死记硬背的东西,因而,他们写出来的东西,既没有大量的分析,也无批判性的思考。When students write, they often transcribe rote statements learned since primary school without any substantive analysis of or critical thinking about those statements.