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我父亲是一个体力劳动者。My father was a workingman.

现在看来,那工人和白先生很可能是同一个人。It now seemed probable that that workingman and M.

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对于狡猾和力量,工人的手。For the cunning and strength of the workingman 's hand.

但是为什么穿这身工人服呢?But why these workingman 's clothes?What was the meaning of this?

企业要实现长远的发展,做好员工招聘工作是关键。Recruitment of enterprise workingman is key for the developing of modern business.

现在看来,那工人和白先生很可能是同一个人。It now seemed probable that that workingman and M. Leblanc were one and the same person.

硬把人类分成工人阶级和资本阶级就犯了过分简单化的错误。Division of mankind into workingman and capitalists suffers from the fallacy of simplism.

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他初到滨海蒙特勒伊时,他的服装、举动和谈吐都象一个工人。On his arrival at M. sur M. he had only the garments, the appearance, and the language of a workingman.

其他劳工,尤其在加利福尼亚,畏惧并痛恨这种廉价劳动力的竞争。而劳动工人党要求排斥亚洲人。Other laborers, especially in California, feared and despised this cheap labor competition, and the Workingman 's Party urged the exclusion of all Asians.

如果你是工作族,千万不要放弃阖家度假。据美国心身医学会研究表明,度假可以使人恢复青春活力。If you're a workingman , don't pass up your family vacation, Time off is rejuvenating, according to research presented to the American Psychosomatic Society.

他在残废军人院路附近的那些小街上,劈面遇见一个衣着象工人模样的男子,戴一顶长檐鸭舌帽,露出几绺雪白的头发。He met, in the narrow streets in the vicinity of the Boulevard des Invalides, a man dressed like a workingman and wearing a cap with a long visor, which allowed a glimpse of locks of very white hair.