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完全没有一点道德顾虑。There's no moral scruple.

他满不在乎地打算用这笔钱。He did not scruple to use it.

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她毫不犹豫地从汤姆妻子手中夺走汤姆。She didn't scruple to take Tom from his wife.

不用顾虑,我知道你跟他们有交情。Don't scruple. I know you are attached to them.

陈超顾忌孟菲感受,没有再同意欣儿的恳求。Chen MengFei feeling, no scruple of supplication.

亲爱的,有你姐姐和你在一起,我就毫无顾虑啦。Your sister being with you, my love, I have no scruple at all.

当党的利益需要维护时,几乎是毫不顾忌后果的。When the party needs protecting, it is applied without scruple.

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所以,地球上的每个人都可以毫无顾忌地享受充裕。So every person on the earth can enjoy abundance without any scruple.

你知道,一个人如果没有感动的心和头脑,她一无所值。You can know that a person is worthless without heart and mind to scruple.

并且每一个推测性的踌躇都将为符合实际的公共祝福所解决。and every speculative scruple will be solved by practical public blessing.

如果他认为你买得起的话,就会向你索取两倍于原价的钱。He wouldn t scruple to charge you double its value if he thought you d pay.

如果这是能让我儿子获得自由的唯一方法,我会亳无顾忌的去做。If it was the only way to get my son set free, I would act completely without scruple.

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仗着人多,也都有点儿水性,是不顾忌大人们苦口婆心地教导的。By many people, also have a little water, is not scruple to adults like Po 's teachings.

在网上他们就可以无所顾忌的提出自己的问题或为别人解答问题了。On net them can do not have scruple put forward own problem or is others answer problem.

你觉得香港新闻传媒系批评XX政府既时候有冇顾忌?Do you think the news media in Hong Kong have any scruple about criticizing the XX Government?

厌倦那些无病呻吟的语句。我开始闭口可这些孤独还在肆无忌惮。Tired of those imaginary ills in words. I began to silent but these lonely in without scruple.

但在总体上来说,中国人或他人的一些隐私是不敏感也不顾及的。In general, Chinese has no sensitivity and scruple on asking about people's privacy in other aspects.

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我既然能够当着你自己的面,深恶痛绝地骂你,自然也会在你任何亲戚面前骂你。After abusing you so abominably to your face, I could have no scruple in abusing you to all your relations.

我向他提出忠告是唯一的顾虑是替他着想,因为她配不让他,而且跟他并不门当户对。My only scruple in advising the match was on his account, as being beneath his deserts, and a bad connexion for him.

毫无顾忌地展现女性迷人的双腿,俏丽的卷边在视觉上令身材更纤细。Be without scruple the ground shows the woman's attractive double leg , a handsome edge make a figure finer on the vision.