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有理性。Righty is rational.

这么做不合理It's not a rational thing to do.

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从本质上说,灵魂是理性的The soul, in its essence, is rational.

一个理智的人怎会相信那个?How can any rational person belief that?

因为理性和理智的人热爱道理。for rational and sensible menlove reason.

我每一个理性的细胞都在大呼“不可以”!Every part of my rational mind cried “No!”

理性选择导致次优的结果Rational choices can lead to bad outcomes.

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留意合理的平衡饮食,要多吃生果和少吃肉!Pay a attention to a rational balanced diet.

第十、你们有一个非常理性、成熟的交往。You have a very rational and mature contact.

电视损害你理性思考的能力。It impairs your capacity for rational thought.

外出用餐变得更加的经常化和理性化。Dining out become more of regular and rational.

现在尝试为每一个找到一个理性的理由。Now try to find a rational reason for each one.

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数额较大的仍然是理性的选择。The larger amount is still the rational choice.

有理数也适用于这个图形。The rational numbers also fit into this scheme.

合理的化学合成是否有其限制?Are there limits to rational chemical synthesis?

外出用餐变的更加的经常化和理性化。Dining out becomes more of regular and rational.

你知道是谁将人说成是有理智的动物的?Do you know who defined man as a rational animal?

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人类理性是因为他们行动是有理由的。Humans are rational because they act for reasons.

所以,冷进料是最合理的工艺流程。So the cold feed is the most rational technology.

确保合理收费、合理用药。To ensure the reasonable fees, rational drug use.