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从那以后,代达罗斯不再无所事事了。After that, Daedalus was idle no longer.

最原始的“代达罗斯”行星探测器设计有两个阶段。The original "Daedalus" starprobe design had two stages.

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看到他这个样子,代达罗斯狂怒地喊他回来。Seeing this, Daedalus called frantically for him to return.

代达罗斯和他的儿子伊卡洛斯是克里特岛上的囚犯。Daedalus and his son Icarus were prisoners on the island of Crete.

代达罗斯是著名的艺术家和发明家,克里特迷宫的建造者。Daedalus was a legendary artist and inventor, builder of the Labyrinth.

但在哀悼过儿子之后,代达罗斯再也不想去飞行了。But ever after he mourned his son, and never again did Daedalus try to fly.

代达罗斯把这只死鸟拿在手中,慢慢地把它的身子翻过来,仔细察看它的翅膀。Taking the bird in is hands, Daedalus turned it over slowly, examining the wings.

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与此同时,弥诺斯组建了一支庞大的船队,外出搜寻代达罗斯。Meanwhile minos had raised a considerable fleet and set out in search of daedalus.

而他的父亲,发明翅膀的戴达路斯才是传说中的成功者。It was his father Daedalus , the inventor of the wings, who made the legendary journey successfully.

看到这些,引起了代达罗斯和伊卡洛斯对自由的渴望,希望自己能从海上乘船远离,永远不再见到克里特岛。Seeing this, Daedalus and Icarus would long for freedom and wish they might sail away and never see the island of Crete again.

代达罗斯飞船重约5万吨,大部分都是它携带的燃料——氦3。The Daedalus spacecraft weighed around 50, 000 tonnes, almost all of which would have been a very rare Helium isotope called Helium-3.

有栩栩如生的姿态,表明议案,引发了双曲描述的代达罗斯的雕像可以'站起来逃跑。'。The poses were lifelike, suggesting motion, giving rise to a hyperbolic description that the statues of Daedalus could 'get up and run away.

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看到他这个样子,代达罗斯狂怒地喊他回来。可伊卡洛斯这时已听不见父亲的喊声,疾速的风把所有的声音都吹跑了。Seeing this, Daedalus called frantically for him to return. But Icarus could not hear his father, for the wind was so swift it carried all sound away.

代达罗斯把做好的两只小些的翅膀绑在儿子身上,然后告诫他不要在空中独自飞行,要紧紧跟在他的身后。When he had finished a smaller pair of wings, Daedalus bound them on his son. Then he warned Icarus not to wander off alone in the air but to follow him closely.

很多比柏拉图时期早一千年的古希腊传说是发生在克里特岛文明。代达罗斯,古代科学家,按照推测是克诺索斯宫殿的建筑师。Many ancient greek myths take their location from minoan crete more than ten centuries before plato. Daedalus the ancient scientist was supposedly the architect of the palace at knossos.

很多比柏拉图时期早一千年的古希腊传说是发生在克里特岛文明。代达罗斯,古代科学家,按照推测是克诺索斯宫殿的建筑师。Many ancient greek myths take their location from minoan crete more than ten centuries before plato. daedalus , the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at knossos.