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迎香穴在鼻翼外缘中点。The midpoint of the alar rim Yingxiang point.

你能给每人的本命盘和这张马克思盘再做另一张中点盘么?Can you make another midpoint chart for each person with the Marks chart?

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由选定的转子外凸中点得到了其速度、加速度的变化规律和运动轨迹。Obtained the acceleration, speed and the track of the midpoint on the rotor.

或者一张各自的马克思盘与原始戴维森盘的中点盘怎么样?Or how about a midpoint chart for each Marks chart with the original Davison?

在膝上部,髌底的中点上方凹陷处。Above the knee, in the depression of the midpoint of the superior patellar border.

但到了世纪中叶,部分由于耗资巨大的战争,泡沫破裂了。Then at midpoint of the century, partly because of a draining war, the bubble burst.

第二限流管的另一端与中点分流阀连接。The other end of the second flow limiting tube connects with the midpoint shunt valve.

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巴拿马作为两块大陆之间的一座桥梁的中点,海对海总宽为51英里,只是看上去无足轻重。As a bridge between continents Panama 51 miles sea-to-sea at its midpoint only looks slight.

组中值和序时平均数是统计学中的常用概念,在经济分析中应用很广泛。Class midpoint and chronological average both are one of the most important concepts in statistics.

这一天本来是代表介于冬至到春晓的中界点。This day was supposed to represent the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.

要怎么做?我把last减去,除以二,加到起点上去。first So what do I do? I find the midpoint by taking last minus first, divide by 2, and add to start.

找一条瓷片线作为基准线并划好挂件中点水平线。Use some horizontal line or subject as benchmark to draw a parallel line for midpoint line of stationary seat.

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而餐桌摆放到了门厅的正中心,餐桌上方悬吊的纸艺灯,格外温馨。And the midpoint that table put hallway, the paper with mensal suspensory upper part art lamp, sweet all the more.

连接误差放大器另一个输入点的是一个电压分压器的中点电压。稍后我们再来讨论。Connected to the other input of the error amp is the midpoint of a voltage divider . We'll come back to this later.

对卫生来说,第二阶段不仅被定义为进入倒计时的中点,而且是我们工作方法的一个转变。For health, this second phase is defined not just by the midpoint in the countdown, but also by a shift in our approach.

然而,另一种选择是禁用中点计算的。在这种情况下,主要成分将使用更多的一个目标的步骤。Yet another option is to disable MidPoint calculation at all. In this case, main compound will use one target step more.

在两者之间的中点,往往是在星盘中承担这两个行星的组合意义的敏感点。The midpoint in-between is often a sensitive point in the chart that bears the combined significations of those two planets.

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研究表明,轨迹中点图能够简便而有效地描述弹球系统的动力学行为。This indicated that the midpoint diagram can simply and efficaciously describe the dynamical behavior of the billiard system.

该方法利用待插值点邻域范围内的十二个点做四条B样条曲线,并取其中点的算术平均值作为待插值点的像素值。The four B-Spline curves are made using twelve points and taking average value of four curves' midpoint as the ultimate value.

当外壳在垂直操作方向内时,该马达位于外壳的中点和底部之间。The motor is located between the midpoint and a bottom of the housing when the housing is in the vertical operating orientation.